Back To School

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Did I mention the school is far from my home in Michigan? Like, extremely far. Somewhere in England, I think. I take the plane ride all the way to England, and then get on a train that takes me to a decent sized building a couple miles away from town. I'm guessing, to anyone that goes there, that doesn't go to the academy, just thinks of it as a rest stop, but I'm not sure. Anyways, from there, we are escorted through an underground tunnel going from the building and coming up to the school. I think the tunnel goes right under the forest where we first met Kal. I hate that place. After taking this long trip that lasts about 14 hours, we finally arrive at the academy. The magnificent, beautiful, sophisticated building in front of me is possibly one the best things to happen to me. It's strange how coming to this school makes me so happy. With all that's happened here,!you'd think nobody would want to come back, but I feel free here. I feel as if I'm finally understood. Though I miss my family and friends, this school makes me feel special, and that's something I've always wanted.

I walk in through the giant doors of AcademyX, and look around. The place is in much better condition. Looks as good as new. After Kal destroyed it, it looked like ruins. Now it's the spectacular place it was before, but it seems now that I've seen it in pieces, it looks more breathtaking than ever before. I'm starting to appreciate this school so much. I've really missed it these last couple of days I guess. Shouts from the other side of the large lobby-like room catches my attention. Kaitlyn and Clara are running towards me at full speed.

"Joel! You're here!" Kaitlyn says.

"Woah, slow down. I thought you were about to go all cheetah and pounce on me" I say.

"Sorry. We've just been missing friends" Clara says.

Kaitlyn looks down at the floor, tears forming in her eyes and I hear her sniffling. She tries to hold herself together.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is everyone alright?!" I ask.

"Yeah. Everyone's fine, but Damon, he isn't coming back to the school. His parents decided that the school was too dangerous. They kept him home and won't allow him to come back"

"Seriously?! No! Has the school given up? Are they still trying to get him in?" I ask.

"We aren't sure. All they told us was that they called and said he isn't coming back, and they argued and said he needed to, but they were firm when they said no, so I guess he's not coming back" Kaitlyn says.

After finishing her sentence, more tears begin to drop from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go" Kaitlyn says.

Kaitlyn runs off, leaving me and Clara standing in the lobby. She turns to me.

"Well what should we do now?" Clara asks.

"I was gonna go check my dorm room, you can come with if you want" I say.

"Yeah, I'll go. I've got nothin to do, so why not?" She says.

Clara and I make our way through the wide halls to what used to be me and Damon's room. The second I walk in, Kylee jumps on me. We hug as her feet rest on the floor.

"Well, I'll go and leave you two alone" Says Clara from the doorway.

"Ok Clara. I'll talk to ya later!" I say.

Clara dashes out of the room and me and Kylee sit down on the bed, the only bed in the room. Kylee

"So how was your little vacation?" She asks.

"It was interesting" I say.

"Interesting? How so?" She asks me.

"Well first, I got in a car accident and ended up fighting my Mom's super ex boyfriend, with my super parents. Then I went to Kaitlyn's farm and rode a horse for the first time" I tell her.

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