Days passed in a slow manner. He did the same thing everyday, tried to figure out a way to stop it, to put an end to the killing. His rebellion had started this all, but he wandered had he not rebelled, would the Forgotten Ones attack anyways? He was almost certain they would have. They had lost respect for him as had the Evanuris, save Mythal.

In the last few days, Mythal had sent many elves and a few warriors. Also he had noticed the animals gathering near the compound. Some of the elves had approached the halla and the halla had stood their ground, even allowing the people to touch them. They had helped lead the animal's into a corral. There were a few packs of wolves that had gathered as well. Large lean animals that kept their distance, yet looked on respectively.

"They can sense it." Rihari walked up to stand beside him. Her arms folded as she looked at the beasts.

"Sense what?" He asked.

"The right thing to do." She replied. Before he could speak again she was walking towards the bridge to the fortress. He jogged after her and then walked beside her when he caught up.

"Where are you going?" He asked. She smiled brightly. His heart squeezed everytime she looked like that, knowing that he had to give her up soon. He would take every moment he could for now. She never replied so he only followed in silence.

When they approached the edge of the forest, the wolves stood tall and did not run. She walked forward a few steps and then squatted down carefully. She spoke soft words to the animals, coaxing them into coming closer. One finally inched closer, but his eyes were trained on Fen'Harel.

He noticed and got down on their level as well. He held out his hand and the beast took a step closer, then another. In a flash the animal ran towards him, Fen'Harel threw up a guard, but the wolf only came to lick his face, it's tail wagging madly. He laughed and scratched the animal on the scruff of its neck, which caused it to kick one of its back legs.

The other wolves approached as well, and greeted Rihari and Fen'Harel, but not in as much of an excited manner. The others were cautious, but the alpha had not been. He had thrown himself forward in complete trust. A truly odd thing to witness.

"Perhaps they are possessed by a spirit that wished to help?" Rihari asked as she stood.

He stood as well and wiped his hands on the legs of his britches. "Perhaps. Though I cannot be certain. This is odd." The wolves looked from face to face as they spoke, soaking in every word without understanding.

She grinned. "That's an understatement."

He started to grin as well, but there was a ringing of a bell back at the fortress. They turned their eyes toward the walls, and then ran for it. The wolves followed loyally behind them as they ran, barking playfully. It reminded Rihari of their Clan's wolf, Fen, who she spent her childhood playing with.

They stopped hard when they came to the group of people that awaited them.

"Bad news ser!" The spy from earlier approached. His words squeezed Fen'Harel's heart. "Mythal.. she.." The man teared up and now he noticed that some within the group were sobbing. He started shaking his head, his mouth went dry. "She's been murdered." The man let out a few tears with his words and the reconfirmation pulled louder sobs from the crowd.

Rihari covered her mouth. She had not known she would be present for this. She looked at Fen'Harel, but his face held no emotion. He looked like he didn't understand what had been said. She wanted to touch him, and her hand reached out and slid onto his shoulder. When he turned and looked at her, his eyes gathered tears.

He pulled her into his arms and held her so hard she almost couldn't breathe, but she could breathe so she allowed him this. He cried a moment into her neck before she felt him stiffen. He pulled away and turned back to the man, silent tears were trailing down his cheeks. She could understand why, many of these people had been under Mythal or had highly respected her.

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