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"Mmph... What happened? Where am I?"-I mumbled and rubbed my eyes

"Yn? DOC, SHE'S UP!"-Chresanto shouted 

"Why are you shouting? Why am I in a hospital? WHERES CHRISTINA?!"-I shouted as I realized that I no longer had a bump

"Baby, relax but.."-Chresanto soothed me but I cut his off

"WHERE IS MY BABY?!"-I shouted on the verge of tears 

"Yn, please keep calm. Everything is going to be alright"-The doc said 

"WHY IS NO BODY ANSWERING ME?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!"-I sat up and attempted to leave the hospital bed

"Yn, chill.. CHILL! Christina is fine!"-Chresanto said and I relaxed a bit 

"What happened? How did I get here?"-I asked 

"Yn, it seems as if you had blacked out so this young man here, Chresanto brought you here quickly. You blacked out from the excessive pain of your baby girl pushing against you spinal cord. We had to get her out quickly so we did a C-section on you to get her out safely and to see if she was healthy. She is doing fine but..."-The doc paused 

"But what?"-I looked at the doc, to Chresanto then back at the doc

"Baby, Christina is having some difficulty breathing.."-Chresanto sighed 

"Oh no! Please tell me that she's going to be okay! I just want to see my baby"-I started crying and shaking my head 

"I promise you that we will do everything to help her in the condition that she's in right now! She is a fighter I can tell you"-The doc said 

"Can I at least see and hold my baby?"-I sobbed 

"Are you sure?"-The doc asked 

"Of course I'm sure"-I scowled at the doc 

"Alright"-The doc shrugged and put down his clipboard 

The doc called for a nurse to come in with a wheelchair as I'd be in pain to walk so she came in with a wheelchair and Chresanto helped me to get into it then he wheeled me to the room where she was being kept. She was soo beautiful.

"Oh my goodness, she's soo beautiful"-I covered my mouth 

"I know right baby, she's adorable"-Chresanto smiled 

"You see, the tubed that are in her nostrils are giving her extra oxygen"-The doc pointed to the tubes

"Uh, Doc she's doing really well she might be able to leave quicker than predicted"-The nurse butted in 

"That's good to hear"-Chresanto said 

"Can i hold her?"-I asked 

"Of course"-The doc said and motioned for the nurse to giver her to you 

"Wow, she looks exactly like you, Chresanto"-I smiled 

"I know, I thought the same thing when I first saw her"-Chresanto smiled 

"She's just soo beautiful and precious"-I complimented her

"Hey, I just got the tests back and Christina is fine she's just suffering from asthma"-Another nurse said as she walked in 

"Oh, thank God"-I sighed 

"That's great news!"-The doc cheered 

"So when do you think we will be able to leave?"-Chresanto asked 

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