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The night of the Special Dinner 

Yn's P.O.V

I was getting really big now and in no time, I would be having Christina. CJ, Chresanto and I were really excited at this moment in time.

Right now, I was getting dressed for this 'special dinner' Chresanto is getting so hyped about. He acts just like a little kid sometimes.

Skipping to the dinner

"This place is lovely, Chresanto. Looks expensive."-I said looking around at the design interior and watching everyone dressed very smart and classy

"I know baby, but I did this all for you and for tonight"-Chresanto cheesed 

"Damn, why you grinning teeth and shit like that?"-I asked 

"You'll see"-Chresanto smirked 

"Mmkay"-I looked at the menu

"Hello, I am Kevin and I will be your waiter today. What drinks would you guys like?"-Kevin, the waiter asked 

"Can I have the freshly squeezed lemonade please?"-I asked 

"Of course. And what about you, sir?"-Kevin asked Chresanto while writing down my drink 

"Uhh.. I'll have cold water please"-Chresanto said 

"Ice or no ice?"-Kevin asked 

"Ice please"-Chresanto said 

"Okay, are you guys ordering now or should I come back?"-Kevin asked 

"We'll order now"-I answered  

"Okay what will you guys be having?"-Kevin asked

"I'll be having the Italian Steak Frites"-I said 

"Ooh, good choice"-Kevin smiled as he wrote down what I wanted 

"And you, sir?"-I asked 

"I'll have the same I guess"-Chresanto shrugged 

"Okay, the total wait should be no longer than 10 minutes"-Kevin said and we nodded then he walked away

"So what is your purpose of all of this?"-I asked

"Just shhhh and enjoy the night, baby"-Chresanto smiled 

"Whats the surprise?"-I asked 

"Well it's not gonna be a surprise if I tell you"-Chresanto said 

"Okay fineee"-I smiled 

We had a small talk until our food came and it looked MOUTH WATERING ! I guess that Chresanto saw the way that I was eyeing the food because he chuckled a little.

"Here are your orders, enjoy!"-Kevin placed them in front of us

"Thank you"-We both said in unison and started to dig in 

"This is soo beautiful, baby. Thank you for all of this I appreciate this-I cheesed 

"No problem.. Oops"-Chresanto bent down and held his stomach immediately I became worried

"Baby you okay there?"-I stood up

I covered my mouth as he looked got down on one knee and held a box with a stunning diamond ring in it.

"YFN, You have made the last couple of years have been overwhelming and hectic but I'm glad that I went through it with you. From the day I laid eyes on you when you started Ridgewood High, I knew that there was something about you that would just attract me to you *chuckles*, I guess that my instincts were correct. Look, I love you soo much YN, and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, CJ and soon to be Christina. I want us all to be a happy family and I surly would love for you to have my last name but could you help me make it work to accepting this? YFN, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and marry me?"-Chresanto asked with pleading eyes

At this moment of time, it felt as if the world had stopped, all eyes were on us, I was still speechless, I was stuck. My throat was suddenly dry. I looked around at the excitement on everyone's face as they were waiting patiently for my response. I looked back at Chresanto and stared into his eyes..

"Yes! Yes yes YES! A million times YES!"-I shouted and cheesed as Chresanto placed the ring on my ring finger

"Yes, thank God!"-Chresanto looked up and grabbed me and kissed me as everyone clapped and congratulated us

Chresanto paid for the food then we made our way back home.

"Tonight was amazing and soo unexpected"-I said admiring my ring

"I know baby and I wanted it to be perfect just for you"-Chresanto grabbed my hand and kissed it while focusing on the road

"I was perfect and it couldn't have been any more better"-I looked over to Chresanto

"So how does it feel like to be an August?"-Chresanto smirked 

"Well I ain't an August... Yet ha but I will be soon"-I smiled

"True"-Chresanto said 

"I feel like we might how our ups and downs but we'll manage and we'll be able to get through it together"-I said being honest

"Same, I agree"-Chresanto nodded 

"Only because your ass is annoying"-I playfully rolled my eyes

"Nooo, only because your ass is stubborn"-Chresanto chuckled 

"Ugh, whatever"-I laughed 

"And we're gonna have the cutest little girl"-Chresanto placed his hand on my stomach

"Yeah but she's gonna be cute because of me not because of your ugly ass"-I laughed

"Ha Ha very funny"-Chresanto pulled over and helped me out the car

"Ooh, my feet hurt"-I groaned 

"Help is on the way"-Chresanto came over and picked me up bridal style

"Ooh be careful, stupid"-I slapped Chresanto on his arm

"Sorry baby"-Chresanto kissed me on my forehead and walked me in

Chresanto put me down once we were in the bedroom.

"Man, I'm tired"-I yawned 

"Me too"-Chresanto got undressed and plopped on the bed next to me

"Now I gotta pee"-I sighed hard and walked to the bathroom to pee, God it felt soo good.

"You pee alot"-Chresanto said 

"Yes because I'm pregnant, fool"-I rolled my eyes 

"Yes I know, and our baby is almost here"-Chresanto smiled 

"Yeah, I'm soo excited"-I exited out the bathroom and hopped on the bed

"How long do we need to wait now?"-Chresanto asked as he placed his hand on my stomach 

"Any time now she should be coming out"-I smiled as Christina kicked

"OMG baby, she kicked!"-Chresanto's eyes lit up 

"Yes I know, but I wish she'd stop"-I hissed at the pain 

"Oh, baby are you okay?"-Chresanto sat up 

"Ahh... Fuck"-I yelped and clutched onto my stomach 

"Baby... Baby?... YN?!"-Chresanto screamed 

This was all I heard before I blacked out..

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