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"I'm done now"- Chresanto said covering his eyes as he walked in my room

"Uh, I'm not naked you can open your eyes"-I laughed a little and continued to brush my hair

"You know, you're very beautiful"-Chresanto said walking closer to me

"Yeah... Thank you"-I cleared my throat

"Very beautiful"-Chresanto came up behind me and placed his hand on my waist

"What are you doing?"-I put my brush down and took Chresanto's hands off my waist

"I'm sorry, I just got carried away"-Chresanto rubbed the back of his head

"Mhmm"-I sucked my bottom lip

"I just- Man I don't know I just can't keep my eyes off you. You're not the 16 year old no more you're this successful woman and I respect that"-Chresanto said

"Thank you"-I smiled

"You're not skinny no more like damn, you have a coke bottle figure, ma"-Chresanto bit his lip and I couldn't help but blush

"Thanks for all these compliments but, it's really late don't you think that you should go? Tyra is probably getting worried"-I said

"Tyra doesn't care"-Chresanto shrugged

"What do you mean Tyra doesn't care?"-I asked

"If I come home late or something, she doesn't complain or anything"-Chresanto said

"I know that if my man was coming home late or whatever, I would have been on his ass probably asking him 21 questions on where he's been and why he's home so late"-I said

"But why?"-Chresanto asks

"It shows that I care"-I looked him in the eyes and he stayed quiet

"You know that I have missed you"-Chresanto said as he plopped up on my bed

"Good you should have"-I flipped my hair

"I really did"-Chresanto said

"Okay. So are you done now because I'm really tired and I need to sleep, I don't wanna wake up with bags under my eyes"-I huffed

"Do I have to go?"-Chresanto asked

"Uh, ya. You can't stay here you need to get home to your girl"-I said

"I guess you're right"-Chresanto sighed and got up

"Yes I always am. Feel free to come back anytime you want for anything"-I said

"Anything, huh? I guess that you finally forgive me?"-Chresanto asked

"I can't stay mad at you forever, Chresanto. Yes it did hurt me really bad what you did but I have to get over it someday. I can't dwell on it forever"-I said truthfully

"I am soo happy right now"-Chresanto cheesed

"Haha"-I laughed

"I appreciate it very much. I understand how bad I hurt you and I can't say anymore how bad I felt because of it but I really am"-I said

"I understand and I accept your apology"-I nodded and smiled

"Great. So I guess that I should go now"-Chresanto said

"Yes you should"-I said

"Can I at least get a hug?"-I asked

"Sure why not?"-I walked over and gave him a hug

"You still smell like candy and flowers"-Chresanto said

"I know"-I laughed

"Man I really don't wanna leave"-Chresanto mumbled

The Player (Chresanto August Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن