Emy raised her head and we both stared at him, I was starting to wonder where and when he might have lost his marbles.

"You do understand what I mean, don't you?" He asked and he seemed to be the one getting frustrated now.

He picked up his cup but didn't drink anything from it, as though he just needed to hold something in his hands.

"Yes, we've watched enough TV to know about things like that, but it's not real Mr Park," Emy said through a yawn and closed her eyes. "Maybe you should go home and phone a doctor, they might be able to help you better than we can."

She smiled to herself and I couldn't help smiling too, despite everything that had happened, this was pretty ridiculous- plus I wanted my bed. I shifted my gaze back to Mr Park, he had started fidgeting like his clothes had been soaked in itching powder.

He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans with dark blue shoes, I hadn't been paying attention before but I realised what a strange outfit it was for that time of night. He never went anywhere and he didn't go to work as far as we knew; he didn't have friends either from what we'd seen.

He was almost out of his seat from fidgeting. "My name is Merkell and I do not need a doctor, I need you two to listen to me, right now!"

He raised his voice slightly on the last words and Emy and I both jumped.

"I'm sorry about shouting but like I said this is extremely important, it's your very lives at stake."

He'd caught both of our attentions, how could he not when he was almost wriggling out of his clothes.

"Are you alright?" I asked, not sure he even knew himself at this point.

"I'm fine, it's just-" he clicked his side in the most absurd way and relaxed again. "That's better, right, so you don't believe that there are other planes of existence?" We shook our heads but that seemed to spur him on, "From this moment on, you will want to start because they are quite real, there's at least one other that I know all too well."

"And how could you possibly know that for certain?" Emy asked, still looking sleepy but skeptical. She was determined to get some answers for his odd behaviour.

"Because it is the world that I come from," he replied in a straightforward tone.

"What do you mean, the world you come from? You're from here just like us, well not completely like us because you're a little unstable right now but still," Emy was getting aggravated, I could hear it in her voice.

"I think you should go home and sleep, Mr Park. I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning and if not, you must go see a doctor for some much needed help." I told him, covering my mouth to hide the yawn.

"I don't need sleep or a doctor, you both need to listen to me very carefully. My name is Merkell, I am not from this world and neither are the two of you. Your lives are now in danger, I need to tell you so much more but you don't trust anything I say so I will have to show you. As they say, actions speak louder than words."

The second he finished speaking he began unbuttoning his shirt, I looked at Emy and she looked as astonished as I was. Luckily he had a white vest on underneath but we had no idea what he wanted us to see.

I was about to tell him how inappropriate this was when he turned to show us his right side. Hanging there from his vest by four sets of claws was a strange looking lizard.

"What the heck is that?" Emy asked in alarm, moving back in her seat to be further away from the creature.

She was usually pretty fearless but I think the lack of sleep was making her more sensitive. Emy didn't do well on little sleep and it was really late. I, however was more focused on the animal itself. It was a green-blue colour at first but when I moved my head it seemed to turn to more of a brown.

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