Authors Note

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So before we start this book I want to get a few things straight in here. There are some 'Fae' in this book that people might not know of. And I would like my readers to visualize the scenes in this book and know exactly how cool these Fae are.

I'm a really big fan of Greek Mythology, I have been looking up ancient myths and lore for a very long time. I have chosen some of the most known to put in this book. I would use other ones but they are REALLY complicated and didn't want to bore you with that. BTW if you comment asking what the Fae is I will redirect you right back here so just read this and don't skip. Trust me it's interesting.

1. Lycanthrope: This is the ancient and correct term for Werewolf, But no they are not like Twilight. There are two types in ancient lore and here they are:

~'Werewolf': Are the beautified creatures of the modern time. They become into huge wolves and can change at anytime and the moon makes them stronger. The only way to be one is to be born into it.When they give birth they come out as humans and then evolves into wolf form at an appointed age  They have a soulmate that they don't have the choice to love, and protect. Usually when they have a mate they can't leave each other or it will mentally and physically hurt the couple. When mated with a human usually there are hybrids when they have a baby.They have an hierarchy as in Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

~Lycanthrope: These are the ancient ones. They are the ones that look 'nasty' as people would say. They can turn at anytime as well, and the full moon has no effect on them. You can be bitten to turn into one but the Lycan DNA has to be put into the bloodstream to work. So being bit with some saliva got into your bloodstream then there is a chance you can change. When being born they come out as Lycans and evolve into humans after a year or two. They have the choice of a mate, but there is still a bond. They will not be hurt if they are broken away from each other. There are no hybrids, you are either Lycan or human. There are no hierarchy, usually they travel as a family, but do usually stay close to their kind.

2. Cerberus: This a Greek mythology creature. This is a three headed dog, to put into simple terms. This creature in the guardian of the underworld ( Tartarus, Hell). No this is not the creature that regrows heads when you cut them off. When you cut off one head it will stay that way, but the other two head can still live. It is one of the children of the mother and father of all monsters (Echidna and Typhon). They have really short tempers, and will not stop his mission until it has been completed or destroyed.

3. Lamia: This is also a Greek myth of a half women half snake. She feeds on the blood of the young, and that's how she keeps her youth. She can only drink virgin blood and usually uses her pray to transfer her soul into. Usually they would be hidden in schools where she could have easy access you her food. She is also related to Medusa and her sister (if you didn't know she had sisters I'm done with you...jk). There relation will be explained later in the book.

4. Sirens: Another Greek myth. (I told you I like this stuff) They, there are three, are not mermaids they are creatures of the sea and the sky. They were nymph maidens of the god Demeter. They had the job to look after her daughter Persephone (yes she has hell hounds) one night. Demeter gave then the power of wings to be able to to protect her daughter. That night Hades came and took Persephone to the Tatarus with him to become his wife. When Demeter came back she punished the girls with a curse. They were then  cursed with a beautiful but very sad song, and where to singing this song until their dying breath. They can not stay away from water too long or they die. There song draws in humans and they used that to make pirates and sailors to their death. They constantly moved and where very beautiful.

5. Typhon: He is the father of all monsters. He was a giant - so tall his head touched the stars. He had the torso of a man, but each leg was an enormous viper coil that writhed and hissed as he moved. He had a main head that hosted 100 snake heads that constantly screamed the sounds of various animals. All that is described of his human-like head are glowing red eyes that drove fear into the hearts of all that looked upon them, and a "savage jaw" that breathed fire. He had hundreds of wings all over his body, and instead of ten fingers his hands were made of 100 deadly serpents.


~How do you know about these creatures?

Like I said before I have been interested in this for a long time. I have done my research. There are many different lines for the same creature but I'm using the one I need for the book.

~When will you update?

Honestly, I never know when I get inspiration. I just do what I do when I feel like doing it. Trust me I have the plot down and everything, but it changes continuously because of factors I add. Just how your choices effect your future so does theirs.

~Why do you keep changing P.O.V?

Well, there are certain things I want you to see and there are some that I don't. Also, I kinda want you to feel the characters, get to know them and love them. I will catch you in the feels.

~What does the different color eyes mean?

Every Creature has different eye colors. At the end of the first five or ten chapters, I will have a contest to see who caught them and can tell me. I will either give/send you money or shutout.

So these are the main myths that I will not explain in the book. Yes, there are other creatures that I haven't told you about and will be described later. I hope you guys have a lot of fun with this I know I, will. ENJOY. 

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