Tears of One

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I made the pasta with some veggie's, Dan wanted them and to be honest they tasted really good with it.
Now Dan is editing that gaming video, and I'm sat on his bed using his laptop and answering those emails.
"Oh my god," I say.
"What?" Dan turns back to see what's up.
"I've been in London for days and I have literally never stepped outside," I said.
"I never thought that'd literally be possible. Hey, where's your phone?"
"Upstairs, but it doesn't work here, remember?" I answer.
"Yeah, we can go change that tomorrow, if you want," he says.
"I still don't know how long I'm staying."
"How long do you want to stay?" He asked in an odd, almost worrying, voice.
"I could stay here forever if I'm honest, change my name, get a job, get a flat. But I don't know how possible that even is," I say just rambling to myself.
"We'll go tomorrow then," he smiles and turns back to the video.


I suddenly jumped up catching my breath.
"Hey, you alright?" Dan got up and walked towards me. I had fallen asleep on his bed while scrolling through tumblr. Of course. But, fuck, I'm shaking.
"I um. I had a nightmare," I said, still a bit breathless. He moves the hair on my face. Ugh his hands.
"Just calm and breath, you're right here, right now, and that's all that matters," He says carefully, not knowing the context of the dream. It was surprising and touching; the way he said it. He looked at me with such care. I may just cry.
I sat up and he followed.
I looked at him, and hugged him.
He was surprised, but continued the comforting touches on my back.
"Thank you," I say, nuzzling into his neck, as he then does to me. He's so warm, I want to be held in his arms forever.
I let go, seeing the video still in editing, "You should probably finish that."
"Hah, or I could finish it tomorrow and we could go to bed." He responds.
"We?" I ask, thinking about cuddling him. Although, he probably didn't even mean it that way.
"I-not like together, I mean unless you need, I mean, yeah um," he trails off holding a slight blush.
"Can I?" I say without really thinking again. "I mean, I'm still really jumpy and since I have the option, I really don't wanna be alone."
"Okay, yeah, that's perfectly fine," he sighs out.
Our eyes got caught for a second and god I wanted to kiss him, "Um, I should go get in my 'pyjamas'"
"Yeah, you mean mine and Phil's sweats and sweaters," he laughs.
"True, actually can I request clothes from the Dan closet?"
"Sure," he says surprised, getting up and walking over to his wardrobe. "We have black, black, black, aaand green...wait why is that in here?"
I laugh, "Here," I walk over, basically pushing him out of the way. "Um, can you turn around or something."
"Oh yeah, sure." He says and turns.
I choose his black sweater, which is kind of thin but I think it's got enough coverage. Now for the pants.
"Do I have to wear pants, ugh," I hear him laugh as he puts away his laptop and heads towards the computer to turn it off as well. "I mean, this is long enough on me already and I've got boyfriend underwear, or whatever it's called, on."
He continues his laugh, "Hey, it's whatever you're comfortable with."
"Hmmm, yeah okay."
"Am I in the clear to turn around?"
"Yep," I said, kinda nervous about the sweater choice.
He turned around and stopped, his face was red. "Nice sweater choice," he got himself out of it.
"Your turn," I say walking back towards the bed.
"Right, are you alright with me only wearing boxers or?"
"Are you alright with me only wearing a basically see through sweater and underwear or?" I replied.
"Got it," he laughed.


Dan's phone goes off next to me on the bed.

Phil: Yes! y/n, put pants on. I don't want to hear anything in the middle of the night.

I tried not to burst into giggles so that I can swipe reply on the home screen  before Dan turned and noticed.

soz, no pants tonight.

Now I can laugh.
"What is it?" Dan asks as he comes back around the bed in his boxers. I couldn't answer, his phone still in my hands. "Why do you have my phone?"
I couldn't stop looking at him. but ugh, I have to reply. "I-uh," he crawls into bed so it's not as much of a distraction, "just open it and look at your texts." I spit out. God my face is probably so red. I know what he felt when he turned around and saw me now. Although I think he looked more nervous. Well, I guess I did also had his phone.
"Phil! Stop eavesdropping!" Dan says only a bit louder.
"Sorry," we hear Phil reply on the other side.
I slide under the sheets, light still on, and he has opened tumblr on his phone.
You know what y/n, let's just fucking go for it.
I think to myself.
I scoot over to him and rest my head on his shoulder to watch him scroll.
His hands were still for a moment on the screen stuck on a picture with no words to stop and read.
God my heart is racing.
He continues to scroll for a few moments. His hands obviously a bit clammy. But suddenly stops, bringing his phone down to his chest and quickly letting out a sigh.
"You alright?" I turn and look up at him.
"Yeah, yeah," he opens his eyes and smiles wide. "Let's just go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay." I said, smiling and sitting up to let him plug in his phone and turn off the teddy bear light.
My head is back on my pillow when he comes back down, closer than before. His body heat radiating crawling across my skin. I turn towards him and snuggle into his side, "Is this okay?"
"Yea-yes," he coughs, wrapping his arm around me and his hand sat rubbing my shoulder.

Yes, I have been lonely. One of my loneliest nights was the one before I woke up here. I was in tears at the gaping hole in my chest, feeling as if the universe has taken everything away from me. It was a late night. And I wished, and I wished that I would just end up here. In this moment. In this caring man's arms that seem to fit so perfectly around me. These are the reasons I shed my tears that night. They were like an offering, to get me here, and now I shed tears of thanks to whatever force caused this.

"Thank you" I whisper, and sniffle from the sudden stuffiness in my nose.

I heard other sniffling, Dan sniffling. His chest rising and falling as if in tears as well, "Sorry?" He asked.
I looked up to see his hand wiping his eyes.
"I-I just said thank you," I decide to snuggle up closer to his face. I wonder what he was thinking.
"Thank you too," he says, then turning his head and planting a kiss on my forehead.

Maybe what Phil said, about Dan being lonely and hearing him cry, was actually the night before. What if we had cried lonely tears the same night, offering these little pieces of ourselves to sell to an unknown buyer with only the hope and possibility that in time we would end up here.
But our buyer gave us more than anything we could have imagined. Warping time and space to have two souls meet and become one in tears.

To these thoughts, I hold Dan as close as I can, him doing the same back, and allowing myself to drift off into slumber.

Thank you, Dan.

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