Taste me?

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Quick Author's note

This story is set in an Alternate Universe, where Dick and Wally are not superheroes, and superheroes only exist as comic book characters. They've been best friends for about 4-5 years, give or take a few, and have began rooming together for about a few months, which is where this story begins.

Dick & Wally have secret crushes on one another, and have been keeping it secret for about 3 years if you're counting from when Wally's crush began, and Dick for about 2 years now.

Taste Me?

Wally is sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter, but Dick isn't paying attention much to that fact. He just notices that there's a delicious smell of caramel filling the kitchen. He takes in a deep breath, and ignores the smell, and how he has a sweet tooth for caramel, and goes to the coffee machine to make himself more coffee.

Wally notices him, and greets him with a grin, and the casual words of "Hey Dick. You finally done with your papers?"

Dick spares a glances to Wally, as he grabs his red & yellow mug from the cupboard, and pours the steaming coffee into the mug. "Yeah." he answers, and drops in two spoons of sugar. He sighs, and then mutters to himself, left hand holding on to the mug, while the right one ran his fingers through his silky black hairs. "Remind myself to never ever consider Economics again!"

Wally snorts, "I told you not to take it, but you were like, blah blah blah, I need another minor for this term, blah blah. I mean you could've taken Astrology, it's way more interesting~ than Economics" he tells Dick pointedly, before shuddering as he utters the word Economic. It was no secret that Wally hated anything related to Business or Math, Economics being the one he hated the most; anyone who met Wally, would know this fact within a week. Dick allowed a smile to grace his lips, as he blew on the coffee before him, ignoring how it was too black, before taking another sip. He watched Wally, as his the freckled hands moved to scoop up some vanilla ice cream, into the bowl in front of him. The smell of hot caramel was faint, from where Dick stood, but nevertheless still quite appetizing. And then, Wally put all over the 3 scoops of ice cream, a large amount of chocolate sauce.

And when Wally accidentally got his fingers dirty with the chocolate, Dick was already moving towards the stool by the redhead. He pointedly ignored, how Wally's pink tongue darted around to lick the chocolate off those fingers, brushing it off, as another thing Wally did.

Though as his blue eyes sneaked another glance at Wally, the sight he was faced with, was slightly, yet very erotic somehow. Dick shook his head, crushing on Wally was one thing, but finding something as simple, as licking fingers erotic, is so-not a good idea.

"Ugh! This chocolate tastes so good~" Wally murmurs, making slurping sounds, as he kept licking his fingers.

Dick ignored how he felt his cock twitch at Wally's words, and focused more on finishing the mug of black coffee in his hands. Though his cheeks were slightly warm, he was glad that Wally's attention was completely focused on the bowl in front of him.

"What is it that you're eating?" he asks curious. Wally sends him a bright smile, while holding a silver spoon in his right hand. "Caramelized Banana Split with Hot Chocolate Sauce. It's supposed to have nuts too, but you know" Wally tells him, and Dick understands.

Wally is allergic to nuts, not all nuts, but Dick won't take his chances. He found out 'bout Wally's allergy, when Wally was 14, and had almost choked on an almond cupcake. He swore to himself to never allow Wally near nuts again, especially after Wally was hospitalized for 2 days. No nuts ever entered their apartment, unless somebody who didn't know brought it in, but otherwise, Dick avoided nuts like Wally avoided Economics, Math, & Business teachers' altogether. It was a bit ironic though, how Wally actually wasn't bad at any of those subjects, usually getting A's or B's. Dick supposes it was another childhood thing with Wally, he doesn't pry, and Wally doesn't ask any personal questions in return. It was a thing they had between them. The past was the past, and well, unless one of them felt like sharing, then the other wouldn't push.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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