Stress Reliever

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Disclaimer: this is another lemon so if you didn't like the last chapter don't read this. But if you do read it have fun and tell me what you think. XXX

Growling Robin and the rest of the Young Justice team followed Batman into HQ. They stood and waited for ten minutes while Batman lectured them. Black Canary dismissed them and slowly the team vanished to different parts.

"Hey Rob!" Wally called catching up to him easily. "Why don't you come over to my house? It's Friday and my mother makes the best fried chicken." He grinned at him.

"I dunno KF." Robin said slowly. He looked over to Batman who nodded slightly. He turned back to his friend. "Sure."


KF picked him up and swung Robin so he was on his back before racing out of there. To keep bugs from entering his mouth Robin ducked his head into KF's neck and closed his eyes. He was going to kill him. But after fried chicken.

In a matter of minutes they came to KF's house. It was two stories and blue with white trim. A short winding walk way leads up to the house. All along the house there were red and white rose bushes planted.

"Don't touch the roses." KF advised. "Or my mother and grandma will freak."

Robin nodded trying not to sway. He followed Wally around the house and through a back gate. There was a small pond in the back far left corner with dozens of fish and small bugs and frogs swimming in it. Robin felt and bit out of place. He had never really been anywhere but Wayne manor.

He followed Wally up the back porch and through a sliding door and into the kitchen slash dining room and finally into the living room.

"Hey mom? Grandma?" Wally called walking deeper into the house.

Robin followed him a bit uncertain. Just then the phone rang making him jump out of his skin. Thankfully Wally didn't notice.

"Hello! Ummm-" Wally cut off thinking hard.

"Your last name is West moron!" a girl voice snapped.

Wally flushed. "I knew that!" he snapped back. "What do you want Brooke?"

"Auntie and Uncle have a conference then they are picking me up at the airport we'll be back at eight."

Wally looked at the clock on the wall. 6:01 PM.

"Aww only so little freedom left until youcome?" he said sadly.

The girl snorted. "I know I'm sad too. Don't forget to put the chicken in the oven at 7:00!"

Wally paused and the girl sighed.

"All you have to do it take it out of the fridge and put it in the oven setting it to 375 degrees. Ok twerp?"

Wally sighed. "Fine brat!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I can do the damned chicken!"


Wally held the phone away from his ear wincing. "Yes mom." He said dully.

Robin turned around to muffle his laughter. Wally glared at him.

"We'll be home soon. Love you!" an older woman called.

"Love you too grandma." Wally said looking at the floor.

He hung up and Robin burst out laughing. He clutched his sides as tears streamed down his face. Robin felt for the chair and held onto it trying to calm down. Wally glared at him and folded his arms over his chest glaring at the floor blushing as red as his hair.

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