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“This isn’t funny Wally.” Dick states with a sigh, in a voice unlike his own, yet so veryfamiliar. His bo-Wally’s body feels odd to him, maybe it’s because Wally was much taller than him, or was it the fact that he needed to run, or maybe it was the loss of his well-earned muscles and easily flexible body.

Nonetheless, it had certainly felt......odd.

He shook his head trying to clear his visions, as everything around him seemed to move so slowly.

He frowned, watching Wally bounce around in his body felt weird. He still wasn’t used to the unusual sensation. And he found it odd to be watching himself move around like a little kid.

“Wally…” he began with a growl, glad to see Wally finally stop bouncing around in his body, and stay still to turn Dick’s blue eyes on him.


“Stop bouncing around.”

“But, you’re so light Dick. It’s like I can float-“

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Wally, besides,” he continued on, “-you’re muchmore lighter than I am~”

Dick can see the curves of his lips change to form a pout, and he wonders if he’s always looked that adorable when he pouts, or was it just because it was his boyfriend that was pouting in his body. He sighed again, now wasn’t the time to admire his attractiveness, or how horny he was. Wait. He was horny? Oh this must’ve been what Wally meant by unstable hormones and random sex urges.


His-no, Wally’s cock, twitched, and Dick suddenly felt the urge to take Wally and bend him over, or fuck himself with his cock inside of hi-Wally’s body.

Dick sighed, this felt confusing enough, along with the fact that he was in his boyfriend’s body.

He supposes this is why no one messes with Circe from the League, she certainly loved to have fun on the expense of other people.

He frowned, and noticed Wally’s hands, they were long, elegant in a way that his wasn’t because of the years he spent training under Batman. They were...pretty in a way, especially with how tiny freckles were scattered at random on the tan skin. He noticed the lack of length in Wally’s nails, and let a small smile come upon the pink lips of his boyfriend’s body. Wally couldn’t take care of his nails, unlike Dick, who made sure that his nails were always buffed and smooth, a bad habit he took from both Alfred and Barbra.

He shook his head, ignoring the nostalgic memories of a time when he wasn’t Nightwing, but Robin, sidekick to Batman.

At the silence, he noticed familiar eyes watching him, with a frown on the face.

Wally spoke, voice deeper than what Dick was used to, but tone still so soft, “What were you thinking of?”

“Your hands”

“My hands?”


“And what is so interesting about my hands Mr. Grayson?”

Dick raised an eyebrow, while folding his arms over one another. “I don’t know really, but it’s probably the fact that you still have freckles on them, or that you stillreally don’t like long nails.”

There was a pause in the air, before Wally grinned. 

“Is it bad that I do?”

“Which are you asking about?”

“The first one, or both really~”

“No, it isn’t. I like your freckles, no matter how many or where they are. And it’s okay if you’re still holding a grudge against Ivy, almost every male who’s met her has a grudge against her.” Dick assured Wally with a small amused smirk.

“That’s good to know Dickie~” Wally began in his voice, before dropping the playfulness in the tone, making it deeper and huskier “But what I want to know-” as he began walking over to Dick, “-is how much we can have in our bodies when we’renot in them...” slightly purring at the end.

Dick gulped, and he could feel Wally’s cock hardening almost instantly.

Maybe he should take Wally up on his offer. It’s not like he had anything left to lose until the magic wore off or they called someone from the league.

“Sure, why not Wally? I’m curious if I can make you scream in my body as well~” with a slight curve to his lips.

Wally grinned.

“We’ll see boy wonder, if you or I are gonna scream tonight.” Wally promised with a leer.

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