Chapter 2

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Gently hanging the jacket with a hanger onto the door knob of the wardrobe, something struck deep down in my mind a familiarity about Baekhyun. After moments of confusion, I shook the feeling away and  went to bed. I was awoken the next morning by the loud melody of my ringtone, still half asleep I swept my arm through all the useless items on my side drawer, knocking many of them onto the floor during the process until finally, I identified a flat thing that was my phone. I answered non the cheerfully and to my surprise, on the other side was the velvety voice from the previous night.

“Someone had a late night eh?” a smile played at my lips at the thought of him smirking as he said it.

“We did stay at the coffee shop till pretty late aha,”

“Well get up because we’re going  to have some fun today, plus mind unlocking the door? It’s kiiiiiiiii-nda scary how your neighbours are looking at me weirdly.”

I chuckled as I, still clutching my phone, dashed to open my front door and flung it open to reveal a red faced man standing idly, pressing his phone to his ear. Baekhyun’s hand lowered as his innocent “little boy” face changed into a cheeky grin, at that moment my mind yet again released the familiarity about him, his breathtaking eyes-

“Nice PJs,” he commented, adding a light chuckle whilst eyeing me from head to toe. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I embarrassingly pulled the hem of my loose-fitted, white shirt down.

A heavy shade of crimson started to colour Yeolie’s pale cheeks, she looked just as she’d had 5 years ago. Luscious dark brown hair flowed down her chest and ended in thin wisps at her stomach, long eyelashes hooded her large chestnut orbs and her now faint dimples. I snapped out of my “daydream” and suddenly remembered the box in my leather jacket. Digging it out, I presented it towards her with one hand.

“Baekhyun…uhm what is it?” Yeolie questioned, eyes alight with curiosity.

“Open it up and see my lady.” I carefully raised her hand, palm up and set the package down. She stared at it as she with almost no effort, lifted the lid. I watched as her mouth gaped and formed the shape of an “o” and then met my eyes. The box was filled with small multi-coloured cranes, all hand made by me, it was a prominent token of our friendship during our youth and I hoped desperately that she’d remember me for it. An eternity passed before she finally spoke again, this time her eyes were brimming with tears. “Byun Baekhyun? Baekie? Is that really you?” I felt my mouth stretch into a wide smile and replied, “As real as you want me to be.” Yeolie flung herself at me, her arms locking around my neck, “You knew it was me all this time didn’t you?” I smiled and kissed the top of her head. “How did I not recognise those darn fingers of yours the first time?” her voice was muffled by the hood of my jacket. I undid her hands from behind my neck and held her before me, my hands at her shoulders. I had my life long companion back, I could have never felt happier. Bringing together all my knowledge of how to master an American accent and putting on the goofiest grin I could do, I did what I did best, make her laugh. 

 “Baby, we gotta loooot of catchin’ up ta do.”

“You make me laugh Byun Baekhyun, you really do.” 

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