"It's not the same. You have a boyfriend, Shane is just some stupid crush." She sighs.

I poke her shoulder. "Hey! I love Lucas, Sebastian is just a..friend?" I laugh, remembering our conversation from last night.

"And Shane is not some stupid crush. That boy is way out of your league. I mean, look at you! How did my friend become so gorgeous." I beam.

She giggles. "Oh shut up! If anything, he is way too good for me. I don't think he'll ever like me!" She huffs, and falls back on to the sheets. Her bright blonde hair scatters around her head.

Her blueish-greenish eyes, turn into small slits.

"You're the definition of prefect, Maya. If Shane can't see that, it's his loss. Besides, there are thousands of guys who would die to be with you!" I laugh.

Her glossy lips curl into a smile. "You're right! I'm going to show Shane what he's missing!" She beams and bounces up from her lying position.

I laugh.


"Ready to go?" Maya squeals.

I examine my appearance in the mirror. My black crop stop sticks to me like glue, shaping my flat stomach and slightly curved chest.

My floral shorts fall just above my fingertips, clinging to my butt. My legs aren't too long, however they still manage to stay thin and muscular. Soccer truly does pay off.

Maya and I matched by doing our traditional French braids. Although her blonde hair is a bit longer, the style looks great on both of us.

I smile successfully and spin around. Maya and I are practically in the same outfit. However, her crop-top is white and there are pink flowers on her shorts. Mine, are scattered with different colours.

"Wow, we look like twins!" She laughs to herself.

"If anyone asks, you picked out the outfits." I nudge her shoulder. She smiles and nods.

I interlock my right arm with hers. "Shall we?"

"We shall." She laughs, and we skip out of my room.

It isn't long before we are on our way to the bonfire. Maya has loaded the car with a large cooler, our tent, sleeping bags, extra clothes and cosmetics. The girl will not go anywhere without her cosmetics.

I laugh at the thought.

Lucas snaps his head at me. "What's so funny?" He pokes my nose from the passengers seat.

"Guys, can you please stop? I'm trying to focus on the road." Shane gestures to the steering wheel, laughing to himself. I roll my eyes and sit back in my seat.

I glance at my phone, and sigh. No sign of Sebastian. He most likely isn't coming.

I slip my phone under my leg and continue to stare out of the window. I notice the familiar view of trees, dirt, and freshly trimmed grass. Only two more minutes, I think.

Saving SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now