Chapter 21 *THE NIKKAH*

Start from the beginning

I go and pray Fajr, shower, and then have breakfast with Mom, Aunty Sajdah, Aunty Yasmin, and Jana. Sana and Hooriya are sleeping, and Zaina is feeding Sami.

"Abeer, you have dark circles. You didn't sleep well last night?" Jana asks, furrowing her brows in tension.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I dismiss with a convincing smile.

Maliha joins us a few minutes later. "When are we going to the parlor again?"

"After Dhur, at two," Mom replies. "Ma Sha Allah, Maliha, your Mehndi darkened even more!" She smiles back at her, mumbling a yes.

"Abeer, show yours too. I didn't look properly," Aunty Yasmin says, taking my hands. "Beautiful. Both are going to be the best and the prettiest brides In Sha Allah."

The telephone rings, and I go and answer it. "Hello?"

"Assalamualikum. I'm Noor, Abeer."

"Oh, Walaikumusalam, Mrs. Noor," I reply, a little taken aback that she recognized my voice on the phone.

"How are you? Did you have a good sleep?" She asks but continues. "A bride should always be fresh on her wedding day. I remember the night before my wedding. The wedding jitters gave me a hard time sleeping. It is good you picked up the phone. I actually wanted to talk to you and Maliha."

"Yes, is everything okay?" I ask, going into a slight panic mode.

"Everything is fine," she reassures me calmly. "I have had this talk with Eshaal too. I wanted to let you two know that you can move out whenever you want to."

The thought of moving out gives me goosebumps. No, just a big fat no. How will I live alone with Azar? "It is okay, Mrs. Noor. I really don't want to move out."

"What a coincidence! Azar was arguing about this too, yesterday," she teases. "Telepath, huh...?" I guess Azar can't bear my presence either. "Hussain and I have given you some time --three months to be precise. Ahmed is okay either way —he has always been my chill son— but Azar is still a bit immature. He wants to stay with his parents. What kind of a son wants that nowadays?"

"Mrs. Noor, I'm saying this wholeheartedly, I don't want to—" I'm interrupted by Maliha.

"Who is it?" Maliha inquires.

"Mrs. Noor," I mouth to her, and she widens her eyes.

"Abeer...?" Mrs. Noor calls out.

"Yes, I'm here, Mrs. Noor," I say, growing slightly pink.

"Abeer, if you don't mind can you call me, Aunty or Mom or even Mama? Mrs. Noor is too formal," she complains playfully.

"Yeah, sure," I agree.

"Now, can I talk to Maliha? I want to discuss this with her too. I'm sorry if I told you this too late," she adds, and I feel guilty and astounded at the same time. How can Mrs. Noor be Azar's mother? How can they even be related? Is Azar adopted or something? She is the kindest person I have ever met!

"You don't need to apologize. It is really okay," I tell her. "Wait, Maliha is here with me. I'll hand her the phone."

"In Sha Allah, we will meet today," she exclaims, ecstatic.

"In Sha Allah," I repeat after her. I give the phone to Maliha as I say, "Mrs. Noor wants to talk to you."

After some time, Maliha hangs up, and she looks at me, grinning ear to ear. "Aunty Noor is so cool. I love her. I mean, isn't she the best mother-in-law? She wants us to move out after the Nikkah. I am fine with both ways, but this is very astonishing. Don't you think?"

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