
"Well, she's a bitch." Adrian grumbled as we were in the middle of our lab.

"I know right? I mean, can the school even do that? Can professors even do that? Like just up and leave mid way through term?" I said in a hushed voice because the professor had eyes on me like a hawk.

"I have no idea, but I don't like her. Actually, let me rephrase that: I hate her." Adrian whispered back.

"Let's just finish this lab, and book it." I quickly whispered, trying to rush the experiment.

"Coffee at my room after?" Adrian offered.

"Imma need it." I giggled. Really, I am.

It took Adrian and I about 15 minutes to finish the experiment and lab write up. "I'll dispose of the solution, you clean up the station." Adrian said, picking up the test tube rack, and going over to the chemical dump.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" The professor shouted at Adrian.

"Dumping it in the chemical waste." Adrian answered in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Did I tell you to dump it?!" She seethed. God this lady is crazy.

"No, but it's standard procedure to dispose of chemical waste after every experiment." Adrian replied to her bluntly.

"Well from now on you do not dump away your experiments!" The professor half shouted at Adrian.

"Fine." Adrian grumbled placing the rack of test tubes onto a cart that the professor told him to put it. 

"I swear, she's escaped a mental hospital and murdered our professor, and took her spot." I grumbled as Adrian and I were walking to his dorm room.

"She does seem to have a few screws loose up in that nogin of hers." Adrian chuckled, opening the door for me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him. I continued to follow him to his dorm room. 

"Sorry if it's a mess." He chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head as he opened the door to his room.

"Trust me, this is not that messy." I chuckled, walking into his room. 

"Coffee's on the table." He said before disappearing into the bathroom with some clothes.

I quietly poured myself a cup as I looked at the pictures that he had hung up on his desk. There were a lot of pictures of his family, and there were a few where he was with some girl. "Hey Adrian." I called out to him.

"Yeah?" He replied from the bathroom.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's the brunette in the photos?" I asked.

"Oh her," he sighed as he came out of the bathroom and up to me, "She was my girlfriend." He was smiling, but his eyes were sad.

"What happened? If you don't mind." I asked, feeling a little invasive with my question.

"She died during that alien take over a few months back." He answered sadly.

"I thought they didn't kill anyone." I felt a little irritated that this slipped by us.

"I don't think they meant to kill her. She was just standing up for herself, and they beat her. I guess they didn't know when to stop because when they did, she was gone." I could tell that he was trying to hold back his emotions.

"I'm sorry." I sympathetically replied.

"Hm... Well, let's talk about something else." He quickly pasted a smile on his face. "Oh, have you heard about the killings?" This perked my curiosity.

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