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"Hello Alise"

The voice says to me, but I don't dare to look in its direction.

Neither do I breath

"Do you know why I came here" she plasters a devious smile upon her face, "Alise" she says.

I nod my head, she has come here to remind me of the promise we made.

If we ever keep something from each other and the other person finds out, we would destroy the one thing that seals the relationship. The ocean necklace we made when we were four.

"Well then let's get started because I have mine and you have yours."

She sounded so unenthusiastic when she said that.

We never take it off so it's always with us

I walk with her willingly to the garage because I never break a promise, but little did she know I made an exact duplicate a year later just in case this situation came into play.

It got really quiet, and I hate silences,

"So, Kathrine, where have you been? I've been really worried about you."

"Oh you know, hiding in the basement so I don't give anyone an extremely lethal disease, how bout you?"

I know she wanted to come out sooner, it can't be spread that easily can it?

"You know it can only be spread by blood right? I mean, is it really that hard not to cut yourself?"

She looks at me for the first time in a long one.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but I don't want anything unexpected to happen. The one thing I'm fine with about this whole thing is that I don't have the disease itself."

I give Kathrine a long, uneasy, look to make sure she wants to go through with this.

"Look, I don't want to do this as much as you, but that was a pretty big secret you kept from me. It would change if it were smaller."

She's right, I hate it when she's right.

I pull the fake necklace from my neck, ever since the- incident happened, I wore it just in case. She does the same, but I notice something about hers, the one she had contained two mini sand dollars instead of three.

Her necklace is fake

"Your necklace"

I say

"What Alise, what about my necklace?"

She says it like she doesn't notice it's fake

"Kathrine, I know the necklace is fake, the real one we made has three sand dollars, not two."

Her eyes get wide, she obviously didn't mean for me to find this discovery out.

"Umm- well it's- I can-"

I smile with relief knowing she still has the necklace unharmed and not about to be smashed to pieces.

"Don't worry Kathrine, mine is fake too. We both don't want go through with the real ones so how about we don't?"

I look down and hope she starts to consider it. We have been through so much together and I don't want her to forget everything, again.

"Fine, why don't I destroy your finger instead?"


I look down and realize my hand is on the work bench. I suddenly feel a blow to my pinky finger.

"Fun fact, did you know that your pinky finger holds most the strength? CRAZY RIGHT!?!?"

And I thought she has changed, it's still annoying sarcastic Katherine.

She runs behind the car as I clutch my right hand in my left, it hurts so much. 

"Boop, now wasn't that fun?"

She paused, but only for the slightest of time

"Now go get your necklace or do you want to loose another finger. By the way, it fell off a couple days ago, it cracked."

Authors Note:
I picked the name Kathrine because it comes from a Greek name which means torture and despair. Also the name Alise is pronounced uh-leese. And I'll start making the chapters longer, and thank you for reading if you actually got this far, I have no idea how you can deal with my cliche writing style.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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