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"Good morning"

I say as I wake up in the red sleeping bag I fell asleep in last night.

"You're finally up, it's nine o'clock"

Alexxsus, for some reason, does not and will not sleep in.

"That's nothing compared to when I usually sleep in to."

I had to get going, because last time I left my house alone for too long it caught on fire.

"Hey, I have to go."

"Okay, make sure to grab all of your stuff."

I gathered my stuff and left. I walked out the door and got into the car. I decided it was too quiet so I turned on the radio. I was astonished at what I had heard.

"This is News Reporter Madeleine Hill here to tell you that there is a wanted woman on the loose. We have a description but no name. She has dark brown curly hair, with bright blue eyes. She is about 5 foot 10'. Be careful, she is highly dangerous. Please, keep you children safe, and do not go outside. I'm Madeleine Winterwood and this is ABC 15."

Thank god

I thought to myself. It's not Kathrine, she had bright red hair and green eyes. The height can't really matter, a lot of people are five foot and ten inches.

The radio went back to the normal station and Victorious by Panic! At The Disco came on, the best band I know other than Fall Out Boy. I know, geeky.

The car trip was brought to an end and I walked in the cold silent house. I always hated this house.


The sound of the keys hitting the granite counter top startled me.

I walked over to the couch and lay stretched across it using up all the room. I pulled out one of my many favorite paper book, The Phantom Tollbooth. I really hate the man selling awful noise.

I felt really dirty in this dusty old house and decided it would be best if I showered. I walked upstairs in the silence.


I hate it

So I turned music on. I put the shower speaker on and played shuffle.

A normal day

That was what I needed

No interruptions

No insane killers on the loose

No blood curdling disease out

I need it to go back to the way it was

When me and Kathrine were friends

When I had someone to turn to

When I wasn't alone

I need a friend to turn to when I'm sad, or just need to talk. Or even a friend who will put up with my ranting about things I hate.

I need Kathrine

She would comfort me after a breakup

Or when I was welled with tears for no reason

And even when I was so mad I could break everything in sight

She even put up with me when I had the dark time in my life

She encouraged me to keep going

To not care what others think

I could go to her for any reason and she would comfort me

And I to her


This song got me deep into thought. But I really do miss Kathrine. I wish se could forgive me. I wish I could reverse it. I-... I wish that I could somehow- maybe- I don't really know how to say this- I kind of wish she ran away for good, and never tripped on that rock.

Things would be different. I wouldn't have to blame myself for what happened.

I got out of the shower, mind that the music was still on, and walked back to my room. I decided that today was going to be normal, as in

No Kathrine

No silence

No crazy people

Just a normal day

Perhaps by the pool

With my new swim suit

And sunglasses

And a tan would be nice

Yeah that's what I'm going to do today

I changed into the red swim suit with fringe, it was my newest an favorite. I scoop the sunglasses off my bed and onto my face.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grab a plastic bag and some duck tape out of the drawer marked "SUMMER" , my favorite drawer. I drop my phone into the bag, seal it tightly, tape the top close, and fold it over and tape it.

I walked outside and checked the temp., 90*.

I walk to the shed and grab the foam may out, I decide that it needs to be cleansed of the film of dirt it has collected.

The pool is warm I realize as I plunge my hand in to grab water. I lean over the water and look at my reflection. Wow, I knew my eyebrows were round, but it seriously look like they're doing a circle around my face. Then hear movement behind me, I fear I know what it is and look to the left, still in he water

I'm not alone

And I know exactly who it is

A normal day would of been nice, to bad that's never going to happen ever again.

Woo hoo

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