Chapter Three

Começar do início

    Resting her back against the door, feet planted firmly on the ground, Meiri began assisting her friend in barricading themselves inside and away from the mentally unstable man. "What happened???" Meiri asked, her brows raising over widen eyes.

    "You set me up with a sidhe maniac, that's what happened!"

    "Is it really so mad to claim the wife that Fate has preordained for me?" warbled the sidhe pushing against the door.

    "Wife?" Meiri parroted, "Fate?"

    "DONT ASK-you'll only encourage him!" Aure begged, but it was too late, the sidhe was encouraged.

    "I am the King Avernus Iluntasuna of the Night Court, son of Erebus of the Wild Hunt and the Serene Lady Nyx od Mora. Aure is my destined queen, foretold to usher in a golden age of peace and tranquility much deserved after centuries of war. Please, help my betrothed to accept the fate the Blind Seer foretold in her prophecies!"

    Meiri's eyebrows shot up to her hairline, "Queen?"she echoed, "Iluntsa-whatta? What is this guy going on about?" Meiri looked to her friend and then the desperate fingers which attempted to get a good grip on the door to keep it opened.

    "I told you!" Aure huffed with exhaustion as she continued to struggle to close the door on her 'betrothed,' "He's crazy!!!!"

    "He's something, alright," Meiri agreed with a shake of her head. "Hold on, I have an idea." Waving for Aure to step out of the way and off of the door, Meiri took a deep breath, "Door which closes, door that protects; safeguard of havens, from all dangers and threats!" Suddenly, the door swung back wide open, exposing Avi's surprised face which was completely periwinkle now, horns protruding from his hairline and unintelligible marks peppering underneath his skin. Before the massive sidhe could step through the entryway, the heavy wooden door swung back into its doorframe, the deadbolt and chain magically securing themselves in place.

    "You're getting better at improvising spells," Aure remarked.

    With a smirk and a flip of her hair, Meiri replied, "Well, you know what Gran would say, practice makes perfect, but emergencies inspire." The friends chuckled together, relief dawning across their faces before there came a pounding on the door.

    "I will not give up! The Iluntasuna clan are not known for giving up! I shall triumph and together we shall usher in the many blessings of the Mother!" Avi hollered through the door.

    "I hate to break it to you, buddy, but you and your hand are gonna have to usher those blessing all by your lonesome!" Aure hollered as she quickly darted through the cottage, yanking the curtains over windows after locking them shut. Out of breath, she turned to Meiri, "Where did you find this guy, again? Outside of a mental institute?"

    Meiri replied in a small voice, "Uh, no...on, uh...Tinder?"

    Just then Avi barked from outside, "I will lay siege upon your dwelling for as long as needed to convince you of the truth which I speak!" Aure groaned as she tiptoed to the nearest window and peeked out as stealthily she possibly could with Meiri pushing behind her. Together they watched the tall man lumber through the flowers, rustling their petals and leaves as he created a makeshift bed, there he situated himself comfortably into the soil.

    Aure growled "Don't make me call the cops!"

    "What reason would I have to fear cups?" Aure could barely discern the mass of a man hiding in her foliage, let alone hear his muttered response.

    "I meant law enforcement—Agh! Just crawl back into your fairy mound or something!!!! Stupid sidhe!!"

    "Only if you join me," he shot back, Aure could practically hear the satisfied smile in his voice.

The Book of AureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora