Chapter 24

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So this is chapter 24! Sorry for the suspense earlier and for the wait. Hopefully this chapter and the next will make up for it. Thanks for getting me past 900 reads! :O That is seriously the best thing ever. You guys never fail to amaze me. It means so much. Okay well I'll let you read the chapter whilst I sit and cry with joy :'D

Lots of Loki love from me!

- Z xx

Thor ran into the courtyard of the frost giant palace, searching frantically for Laila in her hiding spot. His breaths came in short pants as he scanned the scene. 

Something has definitely happened here .Thor thought to himself as he glanced at the shards of broken glass and the assortment of various weapons on the floor. There was also a few puddles of a strange black liquid dotted around the place. After a few more frantic minutes of searching, his eyes rested upon a shape on the ground just a few meters in front of him. A sickening feeling filled the pit of his stomach as he ran over to the body on the floor. As he reached the body Thor discovered that his worst fears were true.

“Oh Laila. What did you get yourself into?” He said softly into the silence. Looking up from Laila’s body, Thor examined the courtyard. He had expected to see Laufey here, ready to interrogate him, but he was nowhere in sight. Laufey’s absence was soon explained however when a distant cry rang throughout the palace. Thor whipped his head up. It sounded like Laufey. And wherever Laufey was, Loki must be too. But Loki would have to wait. For the time being, Laila was his priority. Picking up Mjölnir, Thor stood up to full height and raised his hammer to the skies. Dark clouds of thunder began to collect, twisting and roaring as they went. When he thought that he had enough thunder under his command, he brought his hammer crashing back down to the cobbled floor. The thunder shortly followed. As the thunder collided with the stony floor of Jotunheim an intense and blinding light flew outwards, engulfing the palace.


The sound of crashing and muffled screams rang throughout the cell walls. Loki opened his eyes. He saw the familiar four walls of the cell that held him prisoner.

So i’m not dead then Loki thought to himself, the feeling of relief flowing through his body followed soon after by dread. Laufy would find out sooner or later, and then what? He would be made to live under his command and eventually take over Jotunheim. The crashing was gradually getting louder; getting closer to the prison doors. Loki groaned and picked himself off the floor and leant against the wall. His torso was covered with a mixture his own, dry blood and Laila’s. A huge puddle of blood marked the place where he had been laying. Loki tried to stand and walk but his wound was still very tender. The crashing had now reached the entrance of the prison and was just beyond the wooden doors. Loki picked his head up. It sounded like the frost giants were taking a beating. Loki smiled to himself. It was nice to hear them receiving similar torture that he had had to endure. But who was causing this chaos? His answer came when someone crashed through the prison doors. All was quiet for a moment or two; the destruction and damage of the palace settling on the ground. Loki sat waiting, anticipating. Eventually a voice broke the silence

“Loki? Loki are you here?” they whispered hurriedly. The other prisoners began to pipe up, begging for their freedom. Loki froze. He knew that voice. One could not mistake the deep voice of his brother. Thor began to walk down the centre of the prison, checking each individual cell for his brother. Loki was unsure what to do. Should he hide from his brother and let him go? Or should he reveal his true identity and risk Thor becoming an enemy? Thor approached his cell and peered in. Loki could see that his eyes were masked with worry. His face was covered in tiny scratches from the frost giant attacks. He looked tired; like he hadn’t slept in days. Thor whispered into the cell; his voice full of concern and fatigue.

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