He had black hair, green eyes and a strange ability to know how you felt without having said a word about it. Apart from that it was a boring place, we lived a few streets away from where we worked so we walked.

"Cass, are you even listening to me?" Emy was frowning and I realised she had been talking while we walked, and I hadn't heard a word of it.

"Sorry Emy, my head waz in the clouds, what were you saying?" We crossed at the only set of traffic lights on our way and she repeated what she'd said.

"I was telling you about that fashion course I'm thinking of applying for, it's such a great opportunity and according to my advisor it will take me onto much bigger things. I'm thinking cat walks, my own shop and who knows, maybe even Paris!"

She was beaming and I gave her a soft smile, she always spoke so passionately about fashion, something I could never get into.

"That sounds brilliant... I wish I had your ambition Emy, I just don't know what I want to do with my life or my future. It's all so boring and predictable, yes I know I say that a lot before you tell me for the thousandth time."

"More like the millionth but I wasn't going to, this time," Emy winked at me, we'd had this discussion numerous times. "I know you'll figure something out Cass, this can't be it for you, I won't believe that for a second."

She was my best friend in the whole world but even she couldn't make me feel better about it- I didn't let her know that though.

"I guess, I just wish something would happen that could give me a clue about what I'm meant to do with my life."

My eyes widened in surprise when she grabbed my hand suddenly, "I see a tall, handsome stranger in your future that will change everything you know, foreveerr." She spoke in a mystical voice and lingered on the last word, looking deep into my eyes for the longest minute until we both burst out laughing.

"Get off me, you absolute weirdo and lets go get some work done before we both need new jobs."

We laughed and chatted amicably the rest of they way, however I couldn't shake the niggling feeling in the back of my mind.

Work was quiet, we worked in a clothes shop on the high street. It was a small place, mostly women's clothes and a cafe through the back. Besides myself and Emy, there was Clare, a small blonde haired part timer who complained a lot and Dave, our manager. He was as gay as the day is long and far too highly strung. We loved him though, even if he took his mood swings out on us most of the time.

"Cassandra, Emily, you're almost late again, just like this morning. Why can't you both arrive early for once?"

"We only went down the street for some lunch, it's not like we were miles away from here Dave, calm down." Emy told him while I hung our jackets in the back.

"Yes and there could have been a big rush, then what would I have done?"

Emy and I were making faces at each other behind his back.

"Oh, you would have downed your energy drink, donned your cape and taken all of them on singlehandedly." I told him.

"And saved the day!" Emy finished off and we saluted him while laughing much more than necessary. He walked off while muttering under his breath and flapping his arms in what we had come to recognise as exasperation.

A few hours of boredom and we finally finished for the day, walking home in the cold sunshine. Mr Park was out in his garden when we arrived in the street; he was sat on an upturned plant pot, looking rather happy with himself.

Nentarli  [COMPLETE] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon