eight; girls in glasgow

877 64 21

luke, on the bus by the venue in glasgow

I'm staring blankly at my phone, trying to magically make it ring. It won't. I've been trying for at least an hour straight.

The gig has been nothing short of awful, and everybody is in their worst mood. Michael doesn't want to speak to anybody, Calum is throwing empty water bottles at the wall, and Ashton is playing one angry chord over and over.

I'm just hiding in my bunk, wishing I was somewhere else. Wishing she would call. Wishing I could call her first. I can't. She wouldn't want me to.

When the phone actually rings, I get so startled I almost throw it. It feels fake. I have to read her name several times to grasp the fact that she's actually calling me. She's calling me.

I pick it up.




"I quit my job. I got fired, but then Alex wanted me back but... I can't do it anymore." Her voice is low and sad, until it slowly fades into a long sob.

"What happened? Talk to me," I ask, my heart twisting and turning in my chest.

"Creepy men at work last night."

"Did anyone hurt you?" My free hand clenches into a fist. The fact that she's hurting hurts me, too.


"Are you sure?"

Just the thought of anyone hurting her is stomach-wrenching. It honestly makes me sick.

I'm such a hypocrite; I've broken her heart more than a few times. I really should delete and block her number. I should let her move on. I should let her be happy.

Maybe I should go to a bar. Just so I can forget about her for a second. Maybe have a glass of whiskey on the rocks, some shots of unknown spirits or kiss a stranger.

The problem is that alcohol will only make me feel worse, and no girls in Glasgow are even nearly as good as Isla. Not the one who slipped her number into my back pocket at the venue, nor the girl who giggled into my ear and lingered for a little too long in our hug at the meet and greet; nobody I'll meet will ever be good enough.

"I'm sure. Sorry for calling you."

"You don't have to–"

She hangs up the phone before I can even finish my sentence.


can u believe I'm back cause I can't

this book is so dull and I have no more ideas so either I might end it in the next part lol

or give me some inspiration? idk we will see what happens

i've even forgotten how to make the fancy dashes so I'll sign off with a normal one

(I should create some multimedia for this book now that I'm back)


- lauren

voicemails and dial tones / luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now