May 22nd, 2016: Journal Entry #22

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                   I got to go to Nationals last

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                   I got to go to Nationals last... Wednesday. I had to get up at 4 a.m. getting dressed, showering, and wearing my uniform. Eating, packing what I may need for entertainment, and finally my bow case in an hour. By then, I had to be at the Archery building by 5:15 a.m. I was one of the last ones to arrive, apparently they were going to leave without me in another few minutes. Even though it was five. I had the opportunity to grab four chocolate doughnuts and skedaddle onto the bus. From there, it took us about two hours to get to Louisville. I am not friends with anyone on the team, not really anyhow. So, I got a seat to myself, and was left to sleep on the way. One of the people I am acquaintances with had brought a pillow and a blanket, many others had done the same as well. it was a little funny, because some of the guys were carrying little kid blankets with Spider man or the Transformers on them. of course, when I get up, and I register that there is in fact some amount of daylight, my body and mind refuses to sleep. the most I can do is drift in a half-sleep awareness. My body is aware of what is around it, while also dreaming. Heck, when the alarm went off for me to wake up. I was still dreaming. I was pulling paper towels from a book bag, I started pulling them out even faster because it was apparently blaring and I was trying to somehow shut it off. It was interesting to say the least when I fell out of bed.

                     The other thing that is real interesting, school will finally be over on the 24 for me! I am very excited to be free of the homework. I am hoping for straight A's this year since I have been mainly working very hard with my grades. So far so good though, I have mainly had A's all year and, even scored a 92% on my Biology final! It is up to my brains, faith, and hope that I have pulled through. Some exciting things this year. A few may know that in the past I had to be put in separate classrooms because I was a very temperamental kid. so, i had classes and stuff like that to make sure I didn't do anything more bad, or too damaging. It has been several years since an incident and am able to skip out over testing separately or needing two teachers per classroom. This helps because it unrestricts how many AP classes I will be able to take next year. I also was able to get a YMCA card, since I won't be taking weight lifting next year, I will be able to workout at the Y. Which is chockful of almost everything to exercise. They even have two in door pools. One is heated and is used to relax after a work out, or for the older people. I am excited to say that soon I will start to fill out my driving times sheet after, I know how to drive fairly well. I will not however, get my license till I am eighteen because I would be wasting money for something I could ride the bus, or have my parents drive me to.

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