June 10th, 2015: Journal Entry #4

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I have sat practically on the sofa and in front of my desk writing or making new plots. I am also talking to my new evil follower @Skystorm. I have been lazing while my writing too. I hope you guys check out a few of my books. Below are the categories I have and The name of the book that has it.

Creepypasta: The Watching

Witches: Moonlight Revenge

Vampires (Horror and Romance): Nightmare Bites

Ghosts: Ghost

Demons: The Tavern

Fallen Angels: The Fallen

Paranormal/unrealistic: That Dream

If your not interested then your not. I won't bring up my stories again unless i'm saying I updated them. Anyhow. As childish as I am i decided to watch Earth To Echo and The Adventures of Clutch Powers. I know childish but, it is how I am. I have to go to bed soon. It is currently 10:56 P.M. here. I am also using my moms old but duable laptop that works better than a 6 year old phone because it has a tiny screen. It has a tiny screen because it is a IPhone 3 with a bulky survivor case. I could drop it off a ten story building and it won't break. Trust me. I got mad at it and chucked it ten floors up in a building. shows to prove my anger issues. If I am any different than normal blame tiredness. That is also I got to be dating with my boyfriend. That is a story for another time. Anyone like Pizza? I love Pizza. I am currently re-reading The Razorland Trilogy. Great series. I also love a similar series. The first book is Tunnels by Roderick Gordan. I just started playing music and scared the crap out of myself. Even though I expected it and had listened to it millions of times. AKA the music above. Ignore the pony crap. I like the song but, I hate the ponies. No problem with, most, bronies but i hate that show (shivers), it is horrid in my opinion. So, all my Journal Entries no matter how crazy or even embarrassing will be posted. As a little child (2 years old) I decided that if i was cooped in a room with only my dirty diaper i was going to draw. I had no real drawing tools. so I improvised... I drew great drawings for a two year old. my mother wasn't very happy of the poop smeared walls....

I was a very, very, very, bad kid. I don't think my mother got any sleep till I turned 10. Remember me mentioning anger issues? Que in that moment. I have been to many places...


Mental Hospital

was it called Juvie? the place for young but, bad kids?

Many guidance counselors

Therapy groups

isolation school rooms

I have been to many places the first one was twice the second once, the third once, the fourth was six, the fifth was nine, and the last once. People tried discipline, coping, isolation, help. you name it. Even pills. none of that worked or ever works. i have tried it and it always failed. Until the only thing that worked was when I had stuff i wanted to keep and my tough, caring, world war 3 on the teachers, and also kick your ass if your an inch out of line, my step mother walked in. She took what i wanted and literally mad m listen. So, because of my step mom I was able to gain control. All the fights I had came in handy to protect myself too. I wasn't a and I never will be bullied again. I hope you enjoyed my verbal barfing show. I said what cam to mind and it I can blame on my lack of sleep. I don't and cant sleep much. I got to get that checked out. I just started watching Dr. House with my mom. I have been worried about my lack of need to sleep. maybe my ADHD? Dunno. But, even when I stay up late which, if i might add, I don't do often, I can't get sleep. Most of the time It will be nine O' clock ( my bedtime) and I will be laying comfortably and i can't gt to sleep. The good thing about my sleep is that I am one of those people who can control what they want dream of all night. Though in the morning when i wake up I tend to forget it because of my memory problems. But, if I find it interesting I write it in my other journal. i hope you like my tired weird journal entries from today bye!

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