July 18th, 2015: Journal #9

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Today I had to get up very early to go to a club meeting. lets just say I was the youngest person there. Everyone was grandma age except my mom of course. The club is actually about quilting, cross-stitching, and crocheting. I don't quilt but, I like to crochet hats and what not. Cross stitching though is easy but, it can take a very long time....

We went to three towns a few hours apart that had mass needle shops. We would stop for about a hour to shop at each. Two out of the three of them were Amish towns and while we were driving we saw a lot of buggies or two person carriages. I cross stitched the whole time we were driving. But, I had a small perk. I listened to whatever music I had downloaded (while conserving battery power) in both of my ears. 

When I said early I meant 4:00 O' Clock in the morning early. We spent all day buying and getting cool stuff. My mom had brought a lot of drool worthy money and by the end of the day she only had a few dollars left to spend. When we totaled all of the money up on which everyone had spent; we found that over three and a half thousand dollars had been spent.

For lunch I had roast beef sandwiches, blueberry yogurt, and carrots with peanut butter.  

when we disembarked from the burrowed bus we walked to our Jeep and drove another hour to Vermont (the town).  We grabbed some pre-ordered pizza and headed home. We were listening to the audio book Marley & Me and enjoying the mental images of the hazard of a dog they had. When Ryan my stepdad, called, and asked as we were inside our home limits to pick up sodas after we picked up the pizza two hours ago. my mom snapped at him and ended the phone call. We both hadn't slept well last night and not because of excitement. We went to bed late and trudged around many times in the towns. We were in cramped spaces and our hands hurt from sewing (so-ing) for so long. The fact that here it is broiling and muggy doesn't help either. My mom recently has been having really, Really, bad migraines lately to the point that there will not be a sound to reach her ears because it will hurt her. it feels like a screw being lodged inside her skull. This is a symptom that she cannot treat with the Diagnosis she had. It isn't quite a illness but, its like diabetes. You treat it like major diabetes by having a shot everyday in the side. the problem is, is that her insurance doesn't want to cover it and now the doctors are reaking havoc and whatnot to get them to cover it. It is a new drug and that means it is over one thousand dollars to buy. 

imagine that and the annoyance of your husband knowing your real close to home after two days of that and telling you to take another fourty-five minutes to grab his mountain dew that he so preciously needs. i know I am feeling angry at a fat guy and you might think im being mean but, really? you want your wife after all of that to buy you a drink she can't drink because you won't let her? 

My step-father isn't a (pardon thy french) ass. But, he can be the laziest high IQ'd person in the world. Oh your back and feet hurt. get over it. You don't have nearly as many problems as so many people have. So, shut up and do it your damn self. it makes me annoyed to no end! He even blames me for a lot of small things. We bought this mini cooler and filled it with just enough for the tractor parade we were riding in a float for. When we get set up and they are somewhere sitting in the shade, we get dumped with a shitload of candy! our cooler is filled to the brim with candy. How can I mix it up when it is already dumped in there because of someone else? So we go through this whole parade and throw clumps of candy per kid ( and maybe a few car windows left open....) and by the time we finish all we have left is the original candy Ryan gave us. then two wees later Ryan calls me down to the basement to tell me this." we weren't supposed to bring all that candy and have you hoard it all and I now your not telling the truth because the only candy left was ours" Seriously?! Please tell me I am wrong on this count. What was I supposed to do waste it by throwing our money int the damn trash can!

I know I am ranting and I am sorry but, this is what I would have put in my journals. I am also very frustrated because I still can't sleep well and if my boyfriend is reading this then he needs to not worry. I was usually tired alot and that was because of me refusing to eating anything anymore ( I ate but not very much).  But, I have even turned of and unplugged every electronic. (electrical waves with interfere with your own brain electrical waves of falling asleep making it harder to actually get a full nights rest). I do not know what it is but, I hope it will go away soon. 

I know I haven't been updating this recently and that is why I have made this one so long. i hope you enjoy it. 

I almost forgot. I have figured out what episode I am on Naruto ( I restarted re-watching the series) and so far it is 209 and for Bleach... I am waiting for the new season to come out. Also I finally got a new charger cube and plug so that I can charge my phone better because my cube had died and my plug was literally hanging on by its wires.

Than you for reading.

(Number of Words: 1,028) 

My Years (Daily Life Journal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora