The Normal Day

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The day passed quite rapidly after that. So far no one had disturbed. Tyson was with Ella and Mrs. O'Leary. He had grown up but his mind was still very simple. I was in my room trying to decide what to do next? I was getting really bored so I moved out and went straight to sword fighting arena.

I took out my bronze knife with a steel grip. It was very simple, double edged. With my other hand I took out riptide and opened the cap. See.... If you are thinking that I can't fight with riptide only now, as I used to 3 years back. But back then, I was not a much better sword fighter. Consider it my good or bad luck, I never ever got the chance to fight monsters with better training.

But now I never wanted myself to be less prepared. I smiled. I was swinging my knife around my left forefinger. I kicked one dummy. It flew in upward direction. Immediately I threw my sword to cut it's head in mid-air. As there was only 2 seconds left for the impact. I instantly threw my knife. It blocked the sword just before the sword could behead that dummy. Nice trick....


Hmmm.... Had I not asked everyone not to disturb me?

"How are you, Nico?", I asked ignoring his compliment. I picked the knife from the ground and fastened it in my belt. Riptide was in my pocket as always. I hadn't even started my practice. I scowled mentally.

Nico came to me. He said, "You should practice with others".

I again started practicing. I slashed and hacked. Rolled and jumped. Nico watched me. I knew he was going to ask questions. I was not in the mood to answer though.

He again said, "If you died the...".

I pressed the blade of my sword at his neck. He stepped back. He stuttered, "P.. Percy?"

"No more questions", I hissed pressing the end of blade against his neck little more, "Is that clear?"

He squeaked and nodded. I lowered my sword and capped it. He said, "It is against the law to cheat death".

"Yeah... I know that", I said grimly.

He said nothing further and left.

I practiced little bit more and then went towards the sea shore. I waited there for Atlanta. She came running to me. I taught her some moves in defense mode in sword fighting. She was a fast learner. Then I played with her for almost half an hour.

Atlanta was almost thirteen. I remembered Annabeth. She was very serious and clever at this little age. Although a kid, but with extra load of brains. Atlanta was free and more childish than any demigod I had met. In a way, I liked her. Not as in likes.... But I felt myself big brother in front of her.

"Why are you not joining the campfire today?" , She asked. She was sitting over my lap, watching sunset.

"I need some time to think. " I answered.

"About what? "

"I don't know Lilly. I just don't know. " I replied.

"Or you don't want to say.", She anticipated the right thing.

I didn't say anything after that. She also remained silent. But suddenly she again started, "I heard from others that a war is coming...... Is it true? "

I just only said yes.

"Will you also fight? ", She asked.

I remained silent staring at the setting sun.

She again pressed the question, "Will you fight? "

"yes", I could said only this much.

"I will also fight beside you.", She said.

I snapped my attention to her. "You are not fighting."


"You are too small to be in a war." I continued. "A normal simple fight with your own friend is a totally different thing. "

"I also want to be a hero..." she pleaded with her big eyes. "Please?"

I sighed. Girls...... "Ok."

"Really? " she became delighted and laughed. I also laughed with her.

Then I again became serious."I will protect you."

She laughed mockingly, "Will you? "


"Promise?", she asked.

"I promose."

"Today when you were sleeping, you must be dreaming about something? What happened? ", She asked again.

"Pasiphae came in my dream.", I replied grimly.

"Pasiphae? That wife of wicked Minos? Mother of Minotaur? That Magician? Killed by.....", She went on and on, hyper excitingly.

"Yes", I stopped her in mid sentence. "All are true."


I thought for a moment. "Tomorrow I will answer to your question."

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