The Hostage

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What was the name of that monster? Shrimpzilla. I remembered the time when I was taken to the past of Hazel. Our super historical journey to the Rome. We had to meet with brothers of Chiron. I had to set the navigation security to sonar, but I forgot. "Oh man... What? ", I groaned.

I ran away from shore to the inside of camp. Percy was also with me, running. One of them snapped a tree which fell down. They were snapping and cutting trees. Maybe trying to make way for them to come inside or just killing anything. Monsters don't have brains to distinguish between demigod and tree.

I was glad that I was not the only one running like a coward. Conch horn blew. Someone must have seen it. I was just planning to call Festus and with lot of Greek fire, I would have burned them to sickly green goo. Suddenly Percy ran faster, grabbed my hands and stopped me..... What was he doing?

I looked at him skeptically. I noticed him doubled over out of breath. He still had that side effect of being in Tartarus? I waited for a minute. Something was there in his eyes. He said, "I know".

"I don't understand what you are talking about? ", I asked.

"Your plan. I know what will you do", he answered.

I became confused. "So? Leave me. I have to help".

He clutched my hand more tightly. "I don't think so", he said.

I was staring at him in horror. Again he smiled. I felt evilness lurking behind his smile. Had he become a traitor? But..... Till now his behavior was not treacherous..... Then why. ?...

I jolted back to reality as I heard the voices and screams of other demigods. They must have reached to the beach. I tried to shook away his hands. To my surprise, he left me. Flames erupted from my whole body.He took a step back. I grinned, "I don't think water and fire work together". He didn't respond to my comment but started saying something very slowly..... An incantation? Magic spell? What are you doing, Leo? Run....

I ran. But I saw celestial bronze chains appeared from thin air around me and it started tying me from legs to hands. I fell down face first. I groaned and tried to turn my head. But it was difficult. I heard a low chuckle from behind me. I said, "Are you mad?"

Instead of answering me, he dragged me behind a tree and sat there. I could hear the shouts of Clarisse, Jason's defiant cry. I looked back at him with hatred, "Those monsters are not a threat. We are too many. They will kill those slimy......hmph..umm".

"I know", Percy replied, "Just be quiet".

I glared at him. He remained nonchalant. He even closed his eyes....resting. I spat at him. He stared at me, "It's not going to work, you know? "

"Ha! We thought that we got our Percy back. We... "I said bitterly.

"I already told you..... You can call me anything. Real Percy died. Didn't you see? How ignorant of you", he replied mockingly.

"You are a bastard", I said.

"There are names much better than this. If you want some suggestion....." He was getting into my nerves.

I said, " Free me. I will show you. It will be better than talking".

He didn't say anything. I asked, "why are you doing this? "


I rephrased my question more forcibly, "Why?"

More brooding silence. He looked at me and smirked, " Really? you are too angry at me to notice anything else?"

I noticed then. Fight was over. I could hear no more shouts. But something else I heard. I heard my name called by Piper. How they knew I was there first? She and Calypso were wailing.....crying over my name. Why?

Horrified of what they were thinking about me. I asked, "What have you told them about me?"

He remained a statue, not even blinking his eye. He was gazing into something else....his attention away from me. Then in response, he stood and looked at me. He said, "it's time".

"Time for what? If you are planning to kill me, then why....", I stopped. He again said something in another language and with sudden surprise, those chains disappeared into thin air. I looked at him in question.

He whispered," is better not to be a hero......not to be a part of fight".

He turned and went away. I knew I should have captured him or do something.....anything about him. But I couldn't. I couldn't process what happened right now.

From distance, I heard.....birds chirping..... Other normal voices..... And along with that I heard low crying sounds from beach. I had to inform them that I was alive. I ran.....

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There are lots of secrets to be unfold. Percy's final journey. And most important question...... Why he left Annabeth?

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I apologize for any grammar mistakes.

With regards,


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