Chapter 11

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Four years later.

"Harry will you stand still, I'll never get this done right if you keep moving around like that." Anne says.

"Mom I can't help it, I want to see Lou." Harry moans. "Last night was the first time in 4 years I didn't have him to snuggle up to, or wake up to this morning. I miss him." Harry says.

"Harry, son it's not even been 12 hours." Anne smiles.

"That's to long." Harry cries. "We have been inseparable for the last 4 years mom." Suddenly Harry hears Louis voice outside his door.

"I don't give a flying fuck about curses or bad luck, Mark you don't get your ass out of my way right now I'll use you to open that damn door." Louis snaps.

Grinning Harry jerks the door open and opens his arms and sighs when he feels Louis wrap his arms around his waist. "I missed you so much, Boo." Harry mumbles into Lou's neck as he inhales his unique smell.

"Missed you too, Peewee." Louis says snuggling into Harry's chest.

"Told you trying to keep those two apart would be pointless." Dani giggles.

"Yeah, when you guys gonna listen to us?" Randi asks.

"Alright Lou you've seen him, can we go back so you can finish getting ready please, you only have 5 minutes." Jay reminds him.

"I can now." Louis says. He then looks at Harry. "I love you, see you in 5." He says and kisses him.

"I love you too." Harry whispers.


Harry and Louis was swaying slowly together to the music playing, the fingers of their left hand were entwined and held between then so they could both see the now matching rings the both wore.

"Did you ever dream, 5 years ago you'd be married?" Harry whispers, kissing Lou's cheek.

"I always dreamed of being married, I just never dreamed it would be to a 6'5 gorgeous guy." Louis chuckles as he threads his fingers through Harry's hair the he loves him to do.

Harry grins. "Well I'll tell you now, you had my heart doing flips the first time I ever saw you do one that day on the football field"

Louis leans back slightly and looks at his husband. "Truthfully, mine was doing the same thing that day." Louis smiles.


Three years later.

"Niall, are you sure you're okay?" Louis asks his long time friend.

"Yeah. No. Hell I don't know, how did you do this, when you and Harry got married?" Niall asks.

"I knew I was getting married to my soulmate." Louis says with a dreamy look on his face. "I love Harry more now than ever, he's everything I could ever want in a husband and a father for our kids. Niall he's perfect." Louis smiles. "Just like Liam is for you, you guys have been together for this long why worry now." Louis hears the door open and sees his husband standing there with tears in his eyes and their 2 year old daughter in his arms. Walking over to him Louis hugs them both. "You heard?"

Nodding, Harry uses his one free arm to pull Louis closer. "I love you so much. What you said was beautiful, and exactly how I feel." He says kissing his Lou.

"Where's Matt?" Louis asks Harry.

"With our moms, Maddie wanted her daddy." Harry smiles.

"Or her dad just isn't ready to let her out of his sight yet." Louis grins

"Or that." Harry chuckles. "Niall you ready, it's about that time, Liam is having a fit." Harry says.

Yeah, I'm ready." Niall says. "I just hope mine and Liam's marriage is half as great as yours." He smiles.

"Never go to bed mad, tell him you love him everyday, and never forget your anniversary." Harry smiles.

And that was the how Harry and Louis lived, every morning they would tell each other how much they loved one another. They never went to bed angry, they always worked out each problem before going to sleep. And never once did either of them forget a anniversary. Even after being married for over 50 years the first thing every morning they would say to each other was "I love you".

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