Chapter 5

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The group decided to walk since they didn't have a vehicle large enough to hold them all, plus it was still nice enough outside and it wasn't that far away. The first person Harry sees when entering the gym was his brother Shane and his boyfriend Kevin. Smiling, with Randi still in his arms, he walks up and gives them both a hug. After all the introduction are made and they're all changed Harry then notices Eric and his crew was also there, nudging Louis he nods in their direction. Louis nods to let Harry know that he saw them.
Leaning down Harry whispers to Louis. "You think they might cause a problem? They keep looking over here." He says.

"I hope not, I don't want Dani and Randi exposed to their kind of language." Louis whispers back, not aware they are being watched again.

Harry puts his lips right against Lou's ear just to see what kind of reaction he gets. "I could take them both outside so they are safe." He says, seeing Louis shiver slightly and liking that he was the cause.

Louis turns and does the same to Harry. "No, you're one of the biggest guys here I need you here for backup." He says drawing out the word up so he could drag his bottom lip against the rim of Harry's ear, seeing it caused the hairs to stand up on his arms.

Harry was almost to the point where he wanted to pin Louis to the wall behind him and let him know what he was doing to him when Eric's voice rang out through the gym killing the mood. "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when Harry Styles turned fag." Eric sneers, not realizing what type of trouble he was getting into. "Just look at him guys all cuddled up to Tomlinson there, and we already know he has a fag in his family to influence his way of thinking."

Harry and Louis both stiffen at the same time, not because of what they were called but because the girls in their laps started crying. Louis looks over at Liam and Niall, and they got the message. Walking over to their friends they pick the girls up and sit down, and then as if they were tied together Harry and Louis rise from their seat at the same time, they both take a step with their right foot and stand beside a huge Paul, Mark, Shane and Kevin.

"What's the matter Eric, a little pissed because Louis kicked your ass the other day." Harry says. "Or does it really make you that uncomfortable to see two guys get that close." Harry smirks, putting his arm across Louis' shoulders, realizing he's the perfect height for him.

Realizing what Harry's doing, Louis puts his arm around Harry's waist and leans into him more. Everyone is watching them closely.

Eric laughs. "Okay, enough joking around. I can believe someone as small as Louis is gay he fits the profile. But, you Harry, never you're just to big."

Louis starts laughing, really laughing, he doesn't realize he hides his face in Harry chest, because he just loses it. Harry just wraps his arms around Louis and hold him to him and laughs with him. Louis reaches out and motions for Paul to say something. Taking the hint, Paul looks at Harry and Louis with fondness in his eyes.
"So let me get this straight." Paul says. "You're saying because Lou here is smaller than the rest of us he's the only one here most likely to be gay?"

"Well yeah just look at him." Eric says. "Harry is in danger of being turned if he don't get away from him now."

Harry hugs Lou closer as Paul speaks again. "Hmm, well that's just the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Son let me introduce myself. I'm Paul, Lou's uncle. This good looking fella here is my husband, yes asshole, I said husband, Mark. These two guys here well this one is Harry's brother Shane and the other is his boyfriend Kevin." Paul snaps. "So you see, your fucked up logic that only small guys can be gay is just that fucked up. Now we have some workouts to get to. Lou you ready to kick our ass again?"

"Sure, Harry you want to go get the girls make sure they're okay?" Louis asks.

"I'm on it." Harry smiles, patting Louis on the shoulder, then walks over and picks up both girls so they can watch their brother workout with their uncle Paul.
Harry was impressed, it didn't look like Paul or Mark either one was taking it easy on Louis at all but he was holding his own against them. Hell if he ever got into a fight he knew who he wanted as his wing man, he thought.

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