Chapter 7

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Harry's head jerks up when he heard what Niall said. "What? I've never seen any scars." Harry says.

"And you won't." Paul answers for the now upset Niall. "He always cut his thighs, never his arms, he didn't want people knowing." Paul says moving toward the door. "Now I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to look for my nephew before he does something stupid." He adds.

Harry starts to leave then too but then stops when he hears Liam question Niall. "Babe, calm down and think for just a second. You know Lou better than any of us. Where would he go to be alone?" Liam asks. "Maybe a place you two used to hang out when you were younger?"

"Oh, hell Liam." Niall cries, grabbing him and kissing him. "You're a fucking genius. The backyard, we had a "hideout" back there." Niall yells as he takes off at a run. With the others following, they were half way across the yard when Harry noticed Louis laying in a heap on the ground near a thicket.

"Oh God." Harry whispers as he takes off at a dead run, getting to Louis in just a few steps due to his long legs. Slowly turning him over the first thing he notices is how pale he is, then he sees the blood. "No!" He cries grabbing the still bleeding wrist and looks up at his brother. "Do something, please?" Harry cries, tears streaming cheeks.

"Ambulance is on the way." Kevin says. "Just keep holding pressure on the area." He tells Harry.

Harry squeezes Louis' wrist as hard as he can, then drops his head on his chest and sobs. Everyone was right, he did push everyone away when they got to close, and it was all his dad's fault. When the medics got there Harry moved aside to let them do their job, but got up to follow them when they went to load Louis into the ambulance. When Shane stops him Harry jerks his arm away.
"He's still my boyfriend, we never broke up." Harry yells. "I'm going, you're not stopping me."

"Wasn't planning to." Shane says calmly. "I'm driving, you're in no shape to be doing that Harry. Now get in the car." His brother tells him.

Nodding, Harry climbs into the back seat with Niall and Liam. He doesn't say a word he just looks out the window and let's the silent tears roll down his cheeks. Getting to the hospital, Harry's out of the car before Shane could even get it in park, Liam and Niall running after him. The first person he sees in Jay running into one of the emergency rooms with a curtain drawn. When Harry hears her cry out he starts in that direction only to be stopped by his mom.

"You know you can't go back there." Anne says with tears on her cheeks. "I'm sorry son, but they're doing what they can, you're going to have to sit and wait. Even Jay isn't allowed to touch him right now." Anne says as she to walks into the closed off room to be with her friend.

Harry kicks a chair across the room, then sits on the floor, leans against the wall and shoves his hands in his hair and pulls. Harry wishes he could turn back time, and instead of runing from his Louis this morning he would've pulled him closer and held him tight and kissed him back. Now he might not ever get that chance again. When Harry sees his mom and Jay and other doctors walk out to Louis' room he jumps up, then hears something that causes his world to fall apart.

"I'm so sorry, Jay, we did what we could." Harry hears the doctor say causing him to pale and sway.

"I know Bobby, we just have to wait and see if he'll ever wake up now." Jay says with a sob, then turns and looks at the group of family and friends. Her gaze stops on Harry just as his eyes roll to the back of his head and he hits the floor.

"Shit." Shane snaps out leaping out of his chair, trying to catch his brother before his head cracks against the tile floor.

Anne and Jay run to where Harry collapsed. "Shane, I guess you can pick him up and take him to Louis' room. There's a sofa in there, even though I have a feeling he's the reason my Lou is in the shape he's in, I guess he wouldn't have had that reaction if he didn't care." Jay says walking back into Louis room leaving Anne to tell them what was going on.

Anne turns and looks at everyone looking at her. "Louis lost a lot of blood. To much really, he's in a coma, they're not sure if he will wake up." Anne says with tears in her eyes. "He died once and they were able to bring him back. Now we just wait. Is Harry the reason we're here right now?" She asks her oldest son. At his nod Anne chokes back a sob and walks away.

Shane picks his younger but bigger brother up with the help of Kevin and they carry him to the sofa in Louis' room and lay him down like Jay said to. They then turned and looked at the boy lying in the bed, he was extremely pale and hooked up to a breathing machine. Jay had his mom there for her, Paul was leaning on Mark, Niall had Liam, Ed was helping with the twins and of course Shane had his Kevin, but who would Harry have when he wakes up. Would they all be there for him or turn their backs on him. Hearing a slight moan behind him Shane looks over his shoulder and sees Harry sitting up, he knows the exact moment he sees the guy he cares about lying motionless in the bed.

Harry moans and sits up, not sure how he got where he was, he looks around and sees Louis lying in the bed across the room. He was so pale and so many tubes and wire hooked up to him it looked like you could barely touch him with hitting one. Harry stands up in a daze and slowly walks toward his Lou, he must have made a noise because everyone in the room was now watching to see what he was going to do. When Harry gets even with Jay he falls to his knees and lays his head in her lap, hugging her waist.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry." Harry sobs. "This is my fault."

Jay is shocked. This isn't what she was expecting from this boy, but she could tell he did care. So she just leans over and whispers in his ear. "Harry I don't know what happen to bring all this on, the last time saw you two yesterday you were both happy." Jay reminds him. "My Lou wouldn't have done this if he didn't think he was losing something special. Please fix this." She begs, then pushes Harry away so she can stand up, she then has him sit in her chair and makes everyone leave the room, leaving Harry alone with her son.

Harry reaches out and carefully takes ahold of Louis' cold hand, placing his other hand on top of it in hopes of warming it up some, he leans forward a little. "Boo, I'm so sorry." Harry whispers. "If I could go back and redo this morning I would, I don't know what the hell I was thinking. Well I do but it was stupid and I shouldn't have let it come between us." Harry says with a sigh, not aware that his mom, brother and Kevin was listening in, needing to know why he was the way he was since that summer years ago with his dad. "See, I'll probably tell you this all again when you wake up, but several years ago, I was a freshman, I spent the summer with my dad. It was the last time I did that, I knew why Shane stayed away from him after that summer. He decided we were gonna go to spend the day at the beach, I was all for it, while we were there I was watching this group playing volleyball. Well my dad kept going on and on how fit the girls were, I didn't say anything at all, I was just watching the game at first. Then this one person caught my attention, well when the ball was hit into the water and he went after it and I watched his every move dad caught me." Harry says.
"We left right then, when we got home he started yelling at me. Told me I will not turn out like Shane if he could help it, he then locked me in the basement. Everyday he would bring a different girl down there and leave her, he would tell her she wouldn't get paid unless she showed proof she did her job." Harry sobs. "Every damn day for a fucking month, a different hooker was brought down, and each had to take up a used condom to prove they did their part. That's why I always push people away when it seems like they're getting to close." Harry stops talking when he feels his mom's arms around him.

Paul and the others knew something big was said in that room when they saw Shane go running out of the hospital with Kevin fast on his heels. A few seconds later Jay leads a sobbing Anne out of Louis room and just hugs her. Then much to the shock to all of them sitting there Anne suddenly yells. "I swear I'm going to kill that bastard, he had those women rape my baby for a solid month, Jay. He was 15, who the fuck does that to their own son?" Anne sobs.

Paul, Mark, Ed, Liam and Niall all just look at each other. "Do any of you know where Harry's dad lives?" Paul asks.

Liam and Ed nod. "We do." Ed answers. "Harry told us a long time ago. We went to an away game, happened to drive right by it, he said he hated that place."

"Well I think that's where Shane is going." Paul says. "The twins are at the daycare, I think maybe we need to help our new friends out. Louis is in good hands here. Harry is here with him, his mom and Anne. What do you guys say? We back up Shane and Kevin?"

"I'm in." They all say at once. With that they all got up and left, with Ed showing Paul the way to Harry's dad's place. They all just hoped they got there in time to stop Shane from killing him for what he did to his brother.

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