Chapter 9

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One month and everything seemed to be going great, then it wasn't. Suddenly Harry was back acting like his old self again. Pushing Louis away acting like he wasn't even next to him sometimes.
Louis, Niall and Liam was walking down the hallway of school on their way to meet everyone in the cafeteria when Louis sees Harry with one hand on a locker above a girls head leaning toward her whispering in her ear. Reaching out he grabs Niall and stops him and Liam from going further. Looking up they both sees what Louis saw, just then Harry looks up and sees the three guys looking at him, with a smirk he kisses the girls cheek then looks at her and whispers something to her. While he was doing that Louis turns and walks away telling Niall and Liam he's done.

When Harry turns and starts walking toward the other guys he sees Louis is gone and his heart gives a slight lurch, but he ignores it. He sees the look Niall and Liam is giving him. "What?" He asks like he's done nothing wrong.

Niall never thought he would ever hit someone, especially Harry Styles, but he was so pissed, he just balls up his fist and hits Harry across the chin. Then his mouth drops and he turns to Liam. "Oh God, did you see where Lou went?" He asks looking around in a panic.

"No why?" Liam asks Niall.

"He said he was done, Liam, that can only mean one thing." Niall cries. "He's been putting up with Harry's shit for a week now, you heard him earlier." Niall yell as he runs down the hallway. "He told us himself one more thing he's done he'll finish what he started last time, he's done with people hurting him."

"I hope you're happy now." Ed says. "You're free now Harry, you finally got him to leave you, maybe forever." Ed adds as takes off after the other two.

Harry balls up his fist and slams it into a locker, every word out of Ed's mouth was like stabs to his heart. Damnit he knew he never should have read that letter from his dad. He always causes problems. "Fuck." Harry cries and takes off running to his car. Jumping in it he calls Paul, telling  him what happened and tells him to go to Lou's and stop him.

After hanging up the phone Paul screams for Mark and runs out the front the door. His heart sank when he saw Lou's car already in the driveway. Running to his sister's front door he finds it locked, not taking the time to look for a key he just kicks it open, by then Mark has caught up and Paul tell him about Harry's call as they run up the steps to Lou's room. By the time Paul and Mark got done checking the upper floor the others were there, even Harry. He was the one that went to the basement, thinking that's where he might be, because that's where they had made love for the first time. As soon as Harry hit the bottom step his hand hits the light switch and what he sees causes him to scream.
Lying on one of the sofa-beds in the exact spot he and Lou had made love was a totally naked Louis, he had multiple cuts up and down both legs and arms and the mattress was soaked with blood.

"Nononononono." Harry cries as he runs to the pale boy lying on the bed. "Oh God what have I done."

Paul was the first one down the steps to see Louis' condition, running to him, he grabs his arm to check his pulse. Paul couldn't find one. "Mark get that bastard away from my nephew before I kill him." Paul snaps while he starts doing CPR. "Did anyone call 911?" He asks.

"I did on our way here, I had a bad feeling." Niall says. "Is he okay?" He asks.

Still working on the boy he loves, Paul looks over his shoulder then at Harry. "Unless the paramedics can shock him back to us, no he's not okay." He says with tears streaming down his face. Paul then moves out of the way so the medics can do their job.

Everytime an electric shock went jolting through Louis' body causing his entire body to arch off the mattress Harry would flinch and whimper. "Come on Lou, please." Harry begged under his breath, the only person hearing him was Mark because he was still holding him back. "Breath damnit, please, just breath." Harry chanted, crying the whole time.

"We have a weak heart beat, let's get him out of here." One of the medics yells. "Now before we loose him again." He snaps.

Just as Harry was about to get into his car he was grabbed from behind. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't break your fucking neck right now and leave you here to die like my nephew just might?" Paul yells.

Harry looks Paul right in the eyes. "I can't. But believe me when I say, if he dies I'm dead already." Harry says with tears streaming down his cheeks. "So go ahead and do your damage. If you don't I will." He adds.

"Get in I'm driving." Paul says. "You ain't dying yet, Jay still need to see you, besides, Lou still might make it." Paul snaps as he races to the hospital. "If he does you need to suffer through the hell you deserve."

As soon as Harry stepped into the hospital he feels a stinging slap land across his cheek. "You stay away from my son. You have caused nothing but harm since he met you." Jay says screams at him. "Get him out of my sight Anne." She says as she runs to her sons room.

"What did you do this time Harry?" Anne asks. "Treat him like shit for a week, then let him catch you flirting with some girl? Just like you did with all the other girls you dated?" His mom snaps. "You don't think I have ears and can't hear people around me talking. Oh Harry's been dating so and so to long just wait this will happen soon." Anne yells. "This was no different than all the other times was it?"

Harry had finally had enough. "Yes! This was different but it was the same too." Harry says pushing his mom back away from him. "I actually made love to Lou, all those girls I couldn't even force myself to touch. Is that what you wanted to know. What kind of bastard you raised." Harry yells back at his mom. Once again Harry is left with a stinging cheek when his mom slaps him.

"I don't know you anymore." Anne cries as she turns and walks away.

Harry turns and walks out of the hospital having no clue if his Lou was okay or not. It didn't matter anymore, everyone was right, he was no good for anyone. Harry gets in his car and takes off, the closer to the bridge he gets the faster he goes. "I love you Lou." He whispers right before nothing.

Jay and Anne walk out of Lou's room to let everyone know how he's doing. Anne looks around to see if Harry was still there but didn't see him. "Lou is going to be okay, he's lost a lot of blood, but due to being so much healthier than before, well that helped."

"Excuse me Dr. Weston, we have a one vehicle accident patient on the way in, he's in defib. Ma'am dispatch says his drivers license shows his name to be Harry Styles." The nurse swollows. "I'm so sorry Anne."

"They could be wrong." Jay says just as the ambulance back up to unload the patient. Paul, Mark, Liam, Niall and Ed all stand up to see if it is Harry. As soon as the gurney is pushed through the door and they all see his long curly hair Anne screams and faints because of the medic on top of Harry still doing CPR. "Put him the room next to Lou." Jay yells as Mark picks Anne up and carries her to the sofa. "Damnit Alice move, we're losing him." Jay yells startling everyone around. "Get Lou in here." She cries.

Paul runs to Lou's room and sees he's awake and confused. Paul's runs to the bed and picks him up. "Harry's been in an accident and is dying your mom thinks you can help." He explains as he carries his nephew to Harry's room. Paul sat Louis on the bed beside Harry.

When Louis sees the condition Harry is in he just lays down beside him and starts whispering in his ear while his mom works on him. "You will not die, you hear me. I still have things to say to you." Louis cries. "After what you did to me, you don't get to do this to. Now fight damn you." Louis snaps. As soon as he sat up Harry suddenly takes a deep breath and reaches out at the same time when his hand land on Lou's his heart rate resumes a steady beat.

Jay looks at her son. "You're not leaving this room." She says then Jay walks out to let Anne know Harry was okay for now.

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