Chapter 6

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The next morning it was Niall and Liam to wake up first, rolling over Niall sees Louis and Harry all cuddled up together with the twins actually looking like a proper couple. Niall was happy Lou finally found someone who would treat him the way he should be be treated, at least he hoped so. He would hate to see what would happen to his friend if this didn't work out, it seems Lou fell fast for Harry and it could end bad if Harry was just "testing the waters" with his friend.

Liam was thinking pretty much the same thing, Louis didn't seem the type to play with someone's emotions just to figure out his own. Liam just hoped Harry did hurt this nice guy, yeah they were good friends, but he knew Harry, better than most people. He tends to push people away when they seem to be getting to close, relationship wise. Harry does it every time a girl starts getting to clingy. Hopefully he won't do that to Louis, because they really seem perfect for each other. Liam notices Niall is awake and decides to talk to him.
"What are you thinking?" Liam asks him quietly.

Niall looks over his shoulder into Liam's chocolate brown eyes, he then rolls over to face him. "They look good together. I just hope one of them doesn't get hurt." Niall whispers.

Nodding, Liam inches closer. "I know what you mean, I was thinking the same thing. I keep telling myself not to worry about this, but I know my friend there." Liam whispers back. "Every time a girl would start to get to close or clingy, he starts pushing them away. He's never cheated on them. Harry wouldn't do that, but he would break up with them or make the relationship so unbareable she would cheat or break up." Liam adds.

"Louis is the opposite, and that's what scares me now that you just told me that." Niall tells Liam. "I wouldn't call Louis clingy, but he does tend to want to please his partner. Taking them out to nice places, cooking them meals, alway affectionate and touchy, wanting to hold hands or put his arm around them." Niall says. "Just little things to show he cares."

"You think we should warn him?" Liam asks.

"No, I don't want Lou to change who he is just to hold onto someone." Niall says. "I say we wait and see what happens and just be there for him if Harry does what you say. My question is. Are you going to abandon Lou if this happens or be there for him?" Niall asks Liam.

Liam takes his chance and prays he's right. Leaning forward he kisses Niall and is so happy to feel he's kissing him back. "I'll stick by your side and help you help your friend through whatever you need me to." Liam whispers.

Niall smiles, reaches up and grabs the back of Liam's neck. "Good." He mumbles against his lips as he pulls him in for another kiss, this one longer and deeper. Breaking apart, Niall smiles. "Breakfast?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Liam says easing out of the bed and waited for Niall to do the same so they could head up the steps.

Harry rolls over and looks at Louis. He thinks about everything that happened the day before and wonders if maybe they are moving to fast, yeah he really likes Louis but is he really ready to be in an open relationship with a guy.

Rolling over Louis sees Harry is awake, smiling he leans over an gives him a kiss. "Morning." Louis whispers.

Harry jumps out of the bed quickly. "Morning." He says as he moves away from Louis. "Looks like Liam and Niall is up already let's go up and see if they've started breakfast." Harry says heading for the stairs not waiting for Louis.

Louis frowns. "Okay." He says getting up, leaving the twins where they are knowing they're safe. By the time Louis gets to the kitchen Harry was standing by the coffee pot pouring himself a cup, so he walks up beside him to get some for himself. As soon as he steps up beside Harry, he moves away from him quickly.

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