Modern World 2: The Red Christmas

Start from the beginning

He'd known her for so long that being seen in such an extreme state of undress didn't really bother him anymore, especially since she actually seemed to enjoy looking at his body. She had always gawked at him with a red face whenever he'd taken his shirt off in front of her.

Sure, it was still just a little bit embarrassing for him, and if it were anyone else aside from her he would have definitely freaked, but Ella loved all of him despite how unattractive he felt.

Her face, however, was solemn.

He knew why.

He was trying to make light of it, but he could tell that the attempt had failed.

"You shouldn't have to put up with this," she murmured, leaning down and gently setting her forehead against the worst of the bruises, a black and purple mark that spanned across half of his rib cage. "This is cruel and inhumane. He's your dad, he shouldn't be doing this!"

Xaphile's throat tightened, but he suppressed the sting behind his eyes and set a hand on her head, marveling at the silkiness of her silver hair.

"Just until I turn eighteen," he murmured. "Until then. After that, we'll get a place of our own and start our lives, and be happy. We won't have to worry about this anymore." 

"But why don't you tell someone?!" Ella demanded, looking at him with desperate eyes. "These bruises are bad, Xaphy! Really bad! They've always been bad, but as you've gotten older, they've gotten worse and worse! I'm worried that you might not make it that long!"

Xaphile sighed, then set a hand against her cheek, stroking the spot beneath her eye with his thumb.

"He's my dad, Ella,"  he murmured. "I don't want him to be unhappier than he already is. I'm not going to put him in jail. I'm strong enough to deal with it until I can get the fuck out of here and never come back, but I don't want to out him. I've gotten this far, and I can go a bit farther." 

Her face screwed up, but she nodded.

"I can't say I understand," she muttered, wrapping her nylon-clad arms around him, "but, I'll accept your decision, even though I really don't like it. It's just, I hate it... seeing you hurt and all beat up like this, and not being able to do anything... I just hate it, Xaphy."

"I know," he weakly admitted, then tried to diffuse the tension by raising his arms and flexing, "but after we start our lives together, you won't ever have to worry about that again. I'm making sure of it, I swear. The Taekwondo lessons I signed up for this year are really paying off."

"Taekwondo?" Ella scoffed, actually letting out a giggle. "What, so the Aikido and Judo lessons weren't enough for you? What are you, the singing karate kid?"

"Ah, I haven't learned karate yet, but I want to at some point," he chuckled, smiling when she stared at him with her brows raised. "You know me. I love doing physical stuff."

"Yeah, but you're an even bigger klutz than me," she scoffed, pointing at herself. "Do I really need to bring out the video of you face-planting  during the track meet competition last year?"

Every part of Xaphile's body cringed and he shook his head, grimacing.

Her laughter filled the air instantly.

"No," he grumbled over her uproarious giggle fit. "I'm good. Watching it once was enough."

"Well, by all means," she sniggered, "if you really want to be one of those old bald geezers sitting on a mountain someday and talking about chi, and the force, and all that other mumbo jumbo that goes along with being a true master of martial arts, go right ahead. I won't stop you."  

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