7-I know

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Zayn's pov
Today is Saturday and everyone knows that Harry and Niall will be here till their next tour to Chicago. That means 2 weeks.

I get a call from an unknown number. I pick it up and place it on my ear.

"Hello??" I say.

"Hello... Zayn we miss you soo much, why did you leave the band?" Someone says so strangely familiar.
"Huh??" I say in complete and utter confusion.

"You don't realize the leprechaun!! I hate you" Someone says and I smile to realize it was one and only; Niall.

"How are you?" I say smiling.

"Cheeky as always" He says.

"Come here for dinner on saturday" I say enough sure he won't decline.

"Yes, I will"

"And bring other lads" I say.

"Liam is in his hometown with Cheryl, Louis with the baby so... Harry and me will come" He says.

"Bye'' I say.

"Bye" He says and hangs up.

Flashback ends

After, Gigi selected several types of food we decided to go back home and take a rest so after that Mum could make dinner for Harry and Niall.

It is 5 and I am extremely exhausted. I want to take a shower and then get Alicia to make me some iced coffee.

It's just two minutes til' I took a bath and believe me it helped a lot. I quickly dress up myself and head downstairs. I see Gigi and Alicia arguing with each other which was quite a bit clear that they were
fighting over food.

"Don't argue with me, peasant!" Gigi says raising a spoon and pointing at Alicia.

"I never argue, I just explain why I am right!" Alicia says stirring some white mixture in a bowl.

"Zayn doesn't even like dumplings" Gigi says rolling her eyes. "My dumplings are to die for" Alicia says before adding yeast to the mixture.

I stifle a laugh at how childish they are. Both of them look at me and Gigi runs up to me.

"Zayn, do you like dumplings?" Gigi says slightly tugging on my shoulder.
"I do not but Alicia makes it best so.. it is hard for me to resist." I say truthfully.

Alicia sticks out a tongue at Gigi. Gigi glares at her and she glares back.

Mum comes down with her hair in a bum which she was currently tying.

"Mum, why did you give them the responsibility to cook the dinner?" I ask showing irritation from their behaviour.

"I thought it would be good for them to be friends" Mum says.

The bell on the door caught me off guard. I take a look at myself and rush to my room before signalling Alicia to open the door.

I go to my room and dress myself nicely. I mean ... I am seeing them after a year.  I dress myself in  black jeans and a white shirt.  I exit my room and expectantly see Harry talk in to Alicia. I walk up to him.

"Hey there, Harold" I say
" 'Harry' " Harry corrects me while I pull him in for a manly hug.

"Ouch!... I did not get a hug" Niall says clutching his heart dramatically as I pull him in for a hug.

We all go and settle down on couches as Alicia serves  us Lucozade in glasses. We cheer up and drink it as Mum enters the drawing room.

"How are you?, Harry" Mum asks and Niall frowns then Mum corrects herself "both of you"

"We are awesome" they both say in unison and grin. "Okay, I gotta go to Italy for buisness purpose, enjoy yourselves bye cupcakes" she says and slam the main door shut.

"We are home alone" Nial says throwing fists in the air. "I am here" Alicia says and folds her arms.

We both talk about our old memories and laugh until we hear a shriek from the kitchen. We both enter the kitchen and see Gigi on the floor. I lean down to her level and glare at Alicia.

"Are you okay, honey" I say and she says while holding her knee.
"Alicia threw water on the floor purposely for me to fall down." She says with a sob.

Alicia's pov
"You know Zayn only cares about me, whatever I say he believes me" Gigi says pointing at herself.

I roll my eyes and watch at her to estimate what is she gonna do. Gigi throws the water and hands me the bottle and then sits on the ground and clutch onto her knee. She screams.

Zayn comes in the kitchen followed by Niall and Harry. Zayn leans down to her level then glares at me.

"Are you okay, honey?" Zayn says with a worried look on his face. "
"Alicia threw water on the floor purposely for me to fall down." She says with a sob.

"You are a disaster, when we adopted you, Dad lose his job. Mum got an abortion and Don failed in her board and now.... you are chasing her." Zayn yells at me not making an eye contact.

Tears brim in my eyes. I close them shut making them free to fall. "Sssstop" 
I stutter. "-- you are a disgrace, your father and mother died your sister left you here" He continues. "Pls... ssstopp" I mutter and run upstairs and to the room, making it more worse.


Zigi break up.
OMG you know what I thought ; they will marry after two years and have kids.

So... are you happy or sad??
I mean.... Zayn wanted his options open so... I respect his descions.

On the brighter side, Zayn is coming to Dubai ooolallalallalaLaall

I live in Dubai so yeah... who is goin??????

So... see yo bye


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