6-Eye roll and approve

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Zayn's pov
I was kind of disappointed. I never expected her to do this. I thought she will be really excited to do this. I thought she will be all giddy and say she would do all the planning.

Whatever I thought was wrong. She had changed so much. She used to be hyperactive. I don't know what was bothering me. Nothing felt right.

Gigi comes to me and hands me a green tea I smile at her and she smiles back while turning on the Tv.

I was still confused about her. I asked mum about her behaviour and she said she's been like this since you came. What did I do??? I think she does'nt approve of Gigi.

Nobody can stop me from marrying Gigi and that's final.

Alicia's pov
Its been a long day since I am locked into my room sitting watching The Notebook and crying again and again.

I think about every perfect couple in this world. Gigi and Zayn are one of them.
Everyone on social media is crazy about Zigi. Everyone has hashtagged them. This was not a major thing to worry about.

I thought they were forced to do this. Although, I never knew he actually loved her. I am kind of jealous.

On the brighter side, they are gonna get married in a month or two. it does'nt matter, really.

I get up from the couch and look at Olive, who was fastened asleep. If you are wondering who he is. Let me tell you, he is a puppy which I newly bought.

I pick him up and place him on my bed. I get up and go downstairs.

I see Zayn and Gigi full on a making out session on the sofa. I cough awkwardly to make them sure enough of my presence.

I just lost my apetite when  I see the bread. I just grab a bottle of water and proceed back to my room.

Lately, Jake has stopped texting me or calling me which makes me frown in confusion.

5 days passed since the snogging of Zayn and Gigi.
I've been really boring. All the 5 days were like this:

On day one, we went to select the wedding hall which was selected by Gigi and Doniya and Tricia came back.

On day two, they decided Doniya and Zayn's wedding will be held on the same day.

On day three, we went for dress shopping and gave the orders.

On day four, Don said she wants some more time till marriage.

and now on day five, we are selecting the food for the wedding and most likely, every food was Pakistani.

I was'nt even interested while Gigi was all giddy, tasting every dish that the hall presented. I huff in annoyance.

"Oh my God!! this  looks divine!" I hear Gigi say. I roll my eyes for the sixth time in this day. I am not a fan of an eye roll, to be honest.

Walihya sends me a text.

*Walihya: thought you would never approve of her.

I reply with:

You: My approving doesn't matter, babe. :-(

I recieve a notifications on my lock screen and I quickly check.

*Walihya: I don't even approve of her.

I reply with a simple "yeah?" and after that I recieve no notification. I lock my my phone and keep it back in my purse.

I was wondering that Should I put perrie in it or no???


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