2- Appropriate

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Alicia's pov
I look at the cuddling couple. Ughhh...Gigi is getting on my nerves from past hour.

I look back at the screen, trying to concentrate on what's going on. Aunt Tricia is out on a date and will be out all night while Doniya is watching minions with his fiancé in the cinema.

Walihya went to her friend's house for a sleepover. Safaa is on her phone busy talking to her classmates.

I open my mobile amd scroll through the twitter.
I lock my phone and go in the kitchen.

I wonder why I am so alone. My parents died in a car accident and My sister, She is a newspaper photographer. Successfully, on her own.

I make some popcorns and put them infront of them. While I was putting it infront of them, Accidentally the juice spills on Gigi's white jeans.

I look at Zayn whose jaw was clenched.
"Can you not see??" Zayn yells while Safaa narrow her eyes on Zayn.

"I am so sorr--'' Zayn cuts me off by saying "It was new, you did it on purpose."

Tears well up in my eyes while Safaa says "It is none of her fault, Zayn." Safaa says.

I run upstairs and to the room. I lock it and sit on my bed and started crying.

How could he do this? How could he do this to me for a girl who is a model and does'nt have any type of self respect. 19 years of friendship dissolved in 2 years of love.

I go to the balcony and sit there and look up at the orange sky which was starting to turn in to blue.

My vision blurrs because of the tears. After several minutes, There is a knock on the door.

I opened it and Zayn enters in and says "I am sorry, I did'nt meant anything"

"I accept your apology, Zayn but enlighten me that whaever you are saying is not you. You are forced to say these words from Gigi"

He keeps quiet.

"Tell me!" I yell at hum while my vision blurrs and my head starts to ache.

"Zayn, remember one thing, do not expect the same love from me after what happened today" I say to him and push him out and lock the door.


I walk around and look around. I look at a couple.
It was pretty obvious that girl was pissed off. The boy was saying something that the girl smiles.

I smile at the thought. I look at a girl pulling her mum's hand to the ice cream parlor.

Tears in my eyes were visible. I've never felt the love of a mum. I never knew what it was. Although, Tricia gave me the same level of love.

The cold breeze hits me and I shiver. That's when I fall down and realized I hit a mailbox.

"Are you okay" A guy asks me and I chuckle while nodding.

"Alicia " I say holding my hand out and he shakes it while saying "Jake"

Ohooo hello toots

How r uh

Happy mother's day


~ Waliha

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