Robb smiles "Sansa will like Ryker. She was watching him during the ceremony."

Ivangaline laughs "Did you really mean what you said?" Ivangaline asks, referring to when Robb called her beautiful.

"Of course Ivangaline, you are a beautiful woman, with a formidable allie." He says motioning to Raven who had followed Ivangaline, Raven's purple eyes glowed with delight.

Ivangaline grins "Raven seems to like you." She says as her Direwolf licks his hand. Robb smiles and opens the door to a nice room. Ivangaline steps in and smiles happily.

"Thank you Robb." Ivangaline smiles and kisses his cheek. Then steps away.


Ivangaline walks into the hall a green dress follows. Sweeping the floor, Ryker and Tobiah pushing one another back and forth. Ivangaline rolls her eyes then let's out a yelp as she was pushed, stumbling over her dress she falls to the ground. Ryker and Tobiah, to wrapped into their fighting hardly noticed their sister fall.

"Are you okay My Lady?" A voice comes and there his a hand helping her up.

Ivangaline looks up to see Jon. She places her hand in his and she feels and unfamiliar feeling, like little sweet prickles in her hand snd stomach.

"Yes My Lo-"

"It is best you not call me that Lady Whitewood. My name is Jon Snow."

"I apologize Jon, you may call me Ivangaline." Ivangaline says.

"Jon, let me take care of Ivangaline. Leave us." Robb says linking arms with Ivangaline and leading her to the table settling her in. They began to eat, Jon and Ivangaline met one another eyes many times. Robb seemed to notice his eyes alight with fire and anger.


Jon Snow P.O.V

Jon sighs as Robb brings him into a separate room after the dinner.

"What the hell was that?" Robb speaks, outraged.

"What was what?" Jon asks, puzzled by the outraged tone.

"Ivangaline and You. You were ogling at her the whole time Jon. She is my fiance. You are a bastard. Learn your place." Robb states, walking off.

Jon was left pondering, he didn't like Ivangaline. He hardly knew her. Though he would admit the moment their eyes met in the hall he felt something stir, something he had never felt before.

Jon wandered around, not paying attention to where he went. He ended up in the courtyard. There he saw Ryker, Tobiah and... a mystery man? Sparring. Jon watched as the man swept a leg under Ryker and he grunted falling to the ground and the blunted sword that the mystery man held pointed to his throat. Ryker laughs.

"I suppose your getting me back from earlier?" Ryker laughs then stands. The mystery man removed his helmet and familiar long black hair fell down in waves. Jon raised his eyebrows the man was a woman and Ivangaline.


Ivangaline Whitewood P.O.V

Ivangaline sighs putting the blunted sword in it's place, she turns to see Jon staring, slack-jawed. Ivangaline hurries over to him and he turns quickly as she nears she grabs his hand on instinct it seems his fingers tighten around hers.

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