Sadness's problems

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Sadness's P.O.V
It was hopeless. I couldn't get out of here. Well, I can, but I don't know WHERE to go. Fine, I'll just get out of here and go wherever my legs tell me to go. I walked out of the door and went outside. I started walking. I didn't know where I was going, I just want to get out of headquarters! Away from everyone! I turned left, and found some random park. I saw some little kids playing with each other. I sat on a bench and started reading. Then, it felt.... really lonely. "Oh come on Sadness, your supposed to feel lonely and sad all the time." I said. But this felt different. Like I missed my former friends or something. But why?! They hate me, so I hate them! I do not feel lonely at all! Just then a random person walked up to me. "May I sit here?" The person asked. "Um, sure." I said. The person sat down. "Why are you alone?" They asked. "I really don't have anyone." I said quietly. "Do you have friends?" Asked the person. "I did. Until I had a fight with them." "Well, do you feel lonley without them?" The person asked. That question hit me like an arrow. It was like if someone shot me with a bow and arrow. I really didn't know. I actually really did miss them. I wanted them back. But at the same time I kinda don't. But we really needed to get Shyness back. I loved all of my friends. But now, they probably hate me. "Y-yes, yes I do. I want them back. One of our other friends were our friends, but then they ditched us for people who bossed her around and told her what to do, I really don't know how and why, but I really want  her back. But they all probably now hate me... I injured them pretty badly." I finally replied. "They probably don't hate you. They probably still love you. They probably miss you. Think about it. You always had fun with them, until you had that fight. That's what friendships have. They always have there ups and downs, but they end up still loving you. Did you try to apologize?" They asked. "I want to, but we aren't even really talking to each other. I'm honestly really worried that if I do try to talk to them, they will probably still be mad. I don't want them to be mad at me. I had fun hanging out with them." I said, looking up at the sky and remembering all those times were we talked and laughed. Those times were we had fun. I didn't want those memories to dissapper forever. "Well how about this. I want to help out everyone. I see those kids over there having fun. I saw that they just made up. There playing and laughing now. And that lovely couple over there, it looks like they just apologized to each other. Now they are hugging. You could be those people. Apologizing and having fun. Maybe try to at least think about it, and then make up with your friends. They might also realize the mistakes you guys made, and then you apologize and make your other friend back to normal, and defeat those other people. Beat there a**es. Then you could solve all your other problems. Make things go back to normal. Then you will be normal, just the way it was before this mess came up." The person said. Then I looked down, then up again. I was gonna do it. I was gonna go back with my friends. Then we will make everything back to normal. "I'll do it. I'll make up with my friends, and defeat the other people, and turn things back to normal! Thank you for your advice!" I said. But then I saw nobody there. Then I heard a whisper. "Your welcome. I'm glad that I helped." I didn't know where it was coming from, but it sounded like that mysterious person. Then I walked back to headquarters. I went to my room. "Hmm, how should I do this? How about if I go to Joy's room, then Anger's, then Fear's. Then we, as a friend group again, will get Shyness back, and then make Riley back to normal too. Then we hope that the leopards will leave us alone, but that will probably not happen, but it doesn't matter. We will just ignore them. I then rushed to Joy's room.

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