chapter 12

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Editted- 2/25/12



I woke up the next morning feeling fresh and renewed. I reached down to rub my big tummy to find that it was flatter than before I got pregnant. Then the memories of yesterday flowed through my head.

"Drake?" I asked the air. Seconds later Drake walked in.

"Hey baby. How you feeling?" I had this sudden urge to jump his bones.

"Great. Umm Drake?"


"Tell me why I feel like having hot steamy sex with you?" Wow that was umm I dont even know.... blunt?

"Would you like me to help you with that?" Did I? I mean what if I got preggo again?

"Nah. I'l deal with it. I did tell you I was never having sex again." I said with a smug smile.

"I don't recall." He pushed be back on the bed and got on top of me but not putting any pressure on me.

"I said it in french.  And now that we mention it I said it in English also."

"That's what you were saying? Damn and I thought you telling me that was sexy." He sighed. He began kissing down my neck. He reached my sweet spot and I moaned. "Oh and you feel like this because the mating is begging to be completed and you can't resist me, as well as you haven't had sex since the pregnacy which has been torture for the both of us." He kissed me passionately.

Who knows what came over me but I can't say I didn't like it.

I deepened the kiss. Ripping his shirt off, I ran my hands all over his chest. I put my hand in his pants and pumped his shaft. He groaned. "Damn Tori!" I flipped us over and took off my shirt. I kissed down his chest til I got to the waist of his pants. I took them off. I took of my pants and his boxers and he assisted with my bra and panties. Then I sat on his cock. I groaned. He flipped us over again and began thrusting gently.

"Babe," I purred. " Go harder, Drake faster." I moaned. He began going faster and faster and faster I met each of his thrusts and pushed him deeper inside me. I moaned. "Oh My God don't stop uhhh faster." I moaned repeatedly and kinda loud.

He was slamming into my cervix repeatedly bringing pleasure with every movement. "Damn Drake, Fuck me babe. I love you." I was surprised we hadn't hit the climax yet though. He was moving with werewolf speed now and the pleasure flowing through me was inhuman. I groaned and moaned and he did the same. Then ecstacy hit me hard and he exploded into me.  I bit into his shoulder and he bit mine marking each other.  I licked up his blood and sealed my mark on him.  Now we are fully mated.

"Damn Tori." he said rolling off me and slidding out. We were breathing hard. "I love you too."

"Thank you Drake. But i still hate you and if I get pregnant again I'm gonna kick you in the balls so hard but I won't make you infertile cause I might want more kids in time."

"Okay Tori. And your welcome." I giggled and then abruptly stopped.

"Where are the kids?" I jumped out of bed and put on my clothes. I ran to the nursery to discover Carly holding the girls.

"Good morning, mama." She said waving Char's little hand. I smiled. "Your babies are amazing but they were super antsy not seeing their momma. The boys are still fast asleep. Well were." I went to the boys cause they started squirming as soon as I walked in the room. "They know their momma." carly laughed.

"Oh my they are gorgeous." I beamed. I picked them all up two in each arm. I don't know how I was able to but I know my body is built for it to be able to support the babies.  "Where's my mom?"

"She just left."

"Oh."  It went silent as I admired my children.



"What are we gonna do about Jasper and Julie?"

"I don't know... I mean I feel bad for them but they need to get over it. I mean they aren't doing it on purpose. Marco did this to them."

"Why did Marco kill their mates any way?"

"I don't know he is some psycho witch. Honestly I think he put a confusion spell on them thats why they have this obsession with Stark and I. But I also don't understand why they are mates."

"Well the night Marco killed their mates Stark comforted Julie and they grew close. See he didn't like her like she began to like her. I think she was in denial and her mind was telling her that Stark was her mate. Remember how Jasper practically jumped you? Something happened."

"So you think Marco put a spell on Jasper and Julie to confuse them but what does he get out of that? and How did Julie and Jasper become mates?"

"They got drunk at a party and had the mating ceremony."

"Oh... But why did Marco do this?"


I was walking by the nursery when I heard Carly and Tori talking about Marco. So I guess they don't know about Marco's mate.

Awhile ago Marco found his mate but she wasn't in love with him *sigh* she was in love with me. Mary was human and didn't know about werewolves so she wouldn't feel the pull as strong as Marco did. I didn't love her backk and she tried to give me her heart. I turned her down gently and she stormed off. She disappeared for hours during school til it was time for lunch and a girl let out a shriek from the bathroom. Everyone rushed there. She hung herself in the bathroom. Marco blamed me and swore to make my life miserable. He said I would die if it was the last thing he does.

So then he discovered his mom was a witch and he learned how to use his powers. He decided to kill those dear to me. He killed my sister and my brother who happened to be Jasper and Julie's mates. The he got this 'vision' that Tori would be my mate and he put a spell on them to think Stark and Tori were really their mates. He knew that eventually I would know Tori was my mate and that I would fight Jasper, but he would help Jasper to kill me. He wanted me dead. Julie and Stark just got stuck in the middle of all this. Now I fear for my kids and my mate. He could put a spell on her at any moment but I have my own witch on the case to get an immunity necklace made for everyone.

Jasper and Julie aren't there anymore they are empty shells now. They are Marco's puppets now. It was sad because Jasper and I were really close then Marco tried to get him to rape Tori, I had to kick him out of the pack. I had to kick Julie out too. I regret it all but I can't control what Mary did. She was human, she didn't understand. marco should have made a move but he didn't. I was kind to her and she took it the wrong way. Now you might be wondering where Ron comes into this well Ron, Marco, Jasper, Stark, and I were really great friends, they all had their mates except for me. So it wasn't my fault when Mary came onto me. Marco went crazy and Stark, Ron, and Jasper defended me. Julie I think pissed him off in some way and thats another reason why he killed their mates. Yes Ron had a mate, and she was killed by her own brother, Marco.

We got in a fight and we kicked Marco out of the pack. He was supposed to be Beta. He swore we would all rue the day.

So just a recap of the situation. Marco killed my brother, Julie's mate, because Julie pissed him off in some way. He killed my sister, Jasper's mate, because we all got in a fight and wanted us all to suffer like him. He killed his own sister, Ron's mate. He became heartless and swore to kill me in the end. He is doing that by confunding Jasper and Julie to take Stark away from Carly, who rejected him I might add, and Tori away from me to torture me. I know he plans on killing us all and is working with the rogues. I'm scared for my kids, my mate, my family, my friends, my pack.





FAN ME!!! <3 :)

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