Story of my life

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(Gracie's POV)

it was another shitty day for me here in San Diego.
My life has always sucked.
When I was first born, My mother passed away while giving birth to me..
Ever since, my father has hated me.
He hated the fact I was his child.
He hated that I looked like him.
He hated that He was stuck with me.

He was completely disgusted at the thought of my existence.
Although, My father hasn't always been abusive.
He became abusive after I was born. He blamed my mothers death on me.
Apparently, if It weren't for me, she would still be here. He constantly reminds me that it's my fault she's dead and that if he had the opportunity to trade me for her, he would.

I'm in 8th grade. School just started and I already don't fit in.
I'm a bit of an "outcast" I guess you could say. I'm totally different compared to my classmates.
I have always found joy and entertainment in drawing and listening to music.
My favorite bands are pierce the veil, Three days grace, Skillet, Black veil brides, and Avenged sevenfold.

I have red and black hair.
Well.. Black and the ends are red.
I have snakebites, and I'm 4'11.
I guess you could say I'm pretty short. Besides that, I have one friend.
Her name is Stella.
She has been my best friend since 2nd grade. She's always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to.
I could tell her anything.
I'm glad she's always there for me because I know without her, i wouldn't be able to deal with my problems alone.

I have school today so my first class is English..


I walked into my class and sat in the very back of the room.
In the corner.
Stella didn't have this class with me, so I was pretty lonely.
As I was sitting in the chair, with my head on the desk, I heard giggling from in front of me.
I looked up and there was a group of girls staring at me with their phones out.

They were taking pictures of me.
I put my head back down trying to think of a logical explanation as to why they were taking photos of me.
What am I doing? I thought to myself.
I need to say something.
i don't fucking care who they think they are. I looked up and saw a blank piece of paper on my desk.
I pulled out a black pen and wrote at the top of the paper

"You are the cum shot your mother should've swallowed."

And handed it to the girl laughing the hardest.
It took her a moment to process the terrible handwriting.
After what seemed forever, she finally realized what it said and told the teacher.


"Alright, take your seat." The teacher said, annoyed.

The teacher walked up to me with a note that said
"Meet me at the end of the day so we can call your parents."



The bell rang and I made my way out of the classroom.
As I walked down the hallway which seemed to never end, There I was.
Standing in front of me was a boy. He was rather attractive.
Fuck. What was I thinking.
I look horrible.
But I've never seen anyone like him.

He shot a smile, and walked passed me..
I  blushed.
I could feel the warmth appear on my face as I stand still, thinking.
God I'm such an idiot. No one could ever like me. I shoved my books into my locker and walked to my next class.

I had to go over this and make a few changes. I cringed so badly after reading this mess. Hope you liked it!!

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