Chapter 8: Deal With a Devil

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Hades greeted me with a smirk I realized was almost always on his face, especially when he wanted something. "Good evening dear, I was just admiring the lovely weather and smell." He was referring to the haunting perfume of dead bodies getting washed over by a torrential rain. I couldn't bring myself to reply to his comment considering the lamentation both my kingdom and I felt for our lost comrades anchored itself into my heart.

"What do you want Hades? If you haven't noticed I'm in the middle of a war and I would like to go strategize our surrender." My parents never considered me as much of an optimist, it was only after I met Lucifer that I realized how truly often I failed to see the bright side. He shook his finger at me in a scolding fashion.

"Oh but my dear queen I feel you should take a few moments to hear this proposal. It could benefit your kingdom after all." He caught my attention. After he said benefit and kingdom in the same sentence I hung helplessly on his every word.

"What is your proposition?" I tried not to sound overly hopeful, I really did. Although if his widening smirk was anything to go by I had failed.

"Well now, aren't we a little antsy this evening? No matter, time is of the essence and I must stay on schedule. What would you little miss Mary if I told you that I had a way to save your kingdom without surrender?"

"Continue," I would have moved to the edge of my seat had I been sitting. Luckily I had broken the unladylike habit of biting my nails long beforehand or I would have done that as well.

"You see all I need is a signature, oath if you will and your kingdom will not only survive but flourish." I knew there had to be a catch, but it was unlikely Hades would inform me of it without prying, and as he said 'time is of the essence.'

"I'll do it." Hades clapped his hands together. It was an action that seemed so natural on the eccentric man yet so utterly strange at the same time. A dagger with intricate gold carvings appeared in his hand. I instinctively took a step back.

"There is no need to be afraid my dear it will only sting for a second." My feet shuffled a few inches closer. Hades beckoned me with his finger. I took a deep breath and a large step in his direction. This seemed to be close, as in the next second my palm was on fire yet wet. I looked down and found blood dripping onto the muddy ground below. Hades took my cut hand and joined it with his. Our blood pooled together.

Next thing I knew I was surrounded by fog and in the next instant standing just outside the castle. One of the lead commanders in my forces ran to me. "My queen, the East kingdom they're retreating." My chest swelled with the thought of victory. "They seem to have caught some kind of illness. Those who can are leaving." I felt the world crash around me. I should've known the negatives would outweigh the positives, they always did. There was always a catch in making a deal with the devil or any demon for that matter.

The catch that time: I became the bad guy. I put thousands of innocent people at risk.

I had to get away from everyone. I couldn't face them knowing what I did. "Please excuse me Josiah but I have some matters to attend to. If anyone needs me please have them speak with Elijah." He bowed in response. I ran to the stables. Hay and the distinct smell of horse clung to my clothes. I found my horse Eltrix munching happily on a bucket of apples. When she saw me she looked up and moved closer, forgetting about the apples. Eltrix had been my horse since birth, and in my family long before that. Originally she was given to my great grandmother by Persephone.

I opened her stall and led her out. She looked back longingly at the apples. "Come on, I'll pick you more later." This seemed to be a slightly sufficient answer because with a huff she followed me. We reached one of the wooden walls in the stable. I counted the torches and grabbed the third one from the corner. It didn't come off the wall but rather tilt downwards. The wall split in half and we both walked through.

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