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"So he really never showed?" Chanel asked through the phone.

"Nope," I said scanning through my closet. "My night was still amazing though."

"Yeah you talked about him for all of 20 minutes." Chanel joked. "Mr. D'Angelo seems to have grown on you already."

I smiled just thinking about last night. "I mean, we just met but the vibes are already amazing, so.."

"Mhm, did he call or text you this morning." She asked.

My eyes got wide. "Shoot! Chanel-- ohhh my gosh." I groaned running my hands through my hair frustrated. "We forgot to exchange numbers."

"Are you serious right now?" Chanel asked laughing.

I walked out of my closet making sure to turn off the light.

"Chanel this isn't funny. Now we might never talk again!" I whined.

"Well, if it's meant to be.."


"What type of car did he drive?" Chanel asked. She's somewhat kind of a materialistic person.

"This nice BM. I think it was an i8." I said.

"Okay well simple, next time you see an i8 follow it." She halfway joked.

I actually considered it for a second as I put my shoes on.

"Anyways speaking of BMWs. I got in touch with Kendrick, the guy you were suppose to meet last night." Chanel announced.

I shrugged. "What does that have to do with me anymore?"

"He wants to give it another try today. He told me that he got caught up in something important last night." Chanel explained.

"I don't know. I have teacher parent conferences tonight." I said.

"Oh yeah, I'll just give him your number then."

"Chanel do not do that!" I protested.

"Why not? It's not like we'll hear from Deejello anytime soon."

"It's D'Angelo."

"Whatever, I'll tell Kendrick to call around 7. Love you, bye!" Chanel said quickly hanging up.

I just shook my head. She does what she wants.

He may call around 7 but that doesn't mean I'll answer.


"Have a folder full of all his information on my desk by this evening. I'm talking stats from his college days, everything." I said through the phone.

"Sure thing boss. Anything else?" My assistant Gia asked.

"Yeah, you know anybody named Reyna?" I asked. It's worth a try.

"Reyna? Umm, what's her last name?"

"Shoot," I mumbled. I don't know. "Never mind. Thanks Gia, get on that pronto." I hung up.

It was worth a try. I totally screwed up last night and forgot to get Reyna's number, apparently her last name to.

It sucks cause me and her were really feeling each other. Now I just gotta wait until we cross paths again, if we ever do.

Until then I'm all about this work. This afternoon I'm flying out to go check on some of our clients in LA, then I'm going to New York to work on signing Odell.

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