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"Alright that's great, we'll make a meeting for later this week." I said into the phone.

He said a few more words then I hung up.

Once I finally got everything settled with one of my new clients I heard a knock at the door.

"Enter," I said.

A few seconds later my coworker/ best friend, Jarell, came through the door.

"Wassup bro." He greeted me taking a seat in front of my desk.

"Wassup." I said still slightly focused on the screen.

"So I need a tag team for tonight, you down?" Jarell asked.

I clicked save on the computer then shifted my full attention to him.

"Nah man, sorry. I got plans."

Jarell looked confused. "Plans? You tryna sign a new client or something?"

I shook my head. "Nah man. Not everything in my life is about work."

Jarell looked confused. "The hell? Yes it is! All you do is work my man. That's why you're one of the best sports agents out of Atlanta!"

I brushed imaginary dust off my shoulder. "Big facts bro." I chuckled. "But what you tryna do tonight anyway?"

"This girl I met at the club the other week tryna go out and she got a friend." Jarell explained.

I laughed a little then went back to my computer. "Yeah, no thanks. I have plans."

Jarell looked upset, but he'll get over it. This man still must think we're young in college. We both got jobs and other responsibilities to handle now. I don't know how long it'll take him to understand that.

"What plans? Who you goin out with?" Jarell asked getting excited about the possible hope of me going on a date.

"Just someone from my past." I shrugged. "We gotta talk a few things over."

Jarell rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth. "Yeah whatever dude, you lame. 33 years old and don't gotta girl or even hoes. What happened to the old you? The playa days!"

I waved him off. "My life is spectacular without all that. That was the old me. I'm not tryna get caught up in all that anymore. I have goals."

"Mhm, yeah whatever bro." Jarell said getting up and adjusting his clothes. "We still on for drinks tomorrow night though, right?"

I nodded. "I'll be there."

Jarell turned around walking towards the door. Before he turned the knob I remembered something.

"And Jarell," I called him while opening a folder of paperwork.

"Yeah?" He asked turning around.

"That girl you met at the club a week ago, Sharon, right?" I asked confirming it. He nodded. "Ditch her. She been groupie on one of my clients for a while now."

Jarell looked a little surprised but then just nodded. He knows we don't dare mess with those groupies.

"Good looks man." He said said pointing at me.

He left then I went back to going over some paperwork.

Most that he said is true. A lot of people would call me lame but really I'm just focused. I only party when I'm trying to sign a new client. I drink, but only to get through some lonely nights.

I really don't do that screw em and leave em thing, mostly because I never have time. Don't worry, my needs do get satisfied. Just not that often seeing that I don't crave for it like that.

I use to be associated with all of that, but as of about three years ago I started to get serious about myself. I had to grow up.

I'm 34 years old and one of the best professional sports agents in Atlanta.

With my job it's not really a 9 to 5 in the office thing. I do have office hours, but like I said not 9 to 5.

Being a professional sports agent you have to be ready whenever. Sports agents handle the business and legal deals for professional athletes. We also negotiate contracts and help our athletes manage their money.

The company currently has a few big names signed. They have DeMarco Murray, Antonio Brown and Richard Sherman. Those are just three of the big football names signed, they also all happen to be on the top 15 nfl players list.

I got DeMarco Murray and Antonio Brown to sign with us which is what automatically made me top guy at the company and one of the best in the Atlanta.

Just something light.

My strategy is to follow the game. I watch the newbies and underdogs very close. Once I see the slightest sign of greatness I sign them. If you wait till their name is everywhere you probably won't get them cause everyone else will want them.

I'm currently working on Odell. I wasn't watching close enough with him so now I gotta hustle.

I have basketball players signed to. They're little names on the rise. With the help of me they'll be known soon enough.

After closing everything out for the day I checked the time.

"Dang, already 7 o'clock?" I mumbled locking up my office.

After exiting the office building I made my way through the parking lot to my beautiful BMW i8. My baby. I have two other cars but my BM has to be my favorite.

Before pulling off I shot her a text telling her I was on my way to the restaurant.

We both really need to sit down and talk to each other.

I just hope this all goes well.


Things start picking up next chapter.

Let me know what you guys think!


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