Unneeded Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"He's just joking." I told Justin. He shook his head, smiling.

"Wow, you're totally different than the last time I saw you guys. You were only fourteen, and you were so shy around Alycia. And Jake, I'm glad to see..." My brother stopped talking, as Jake shook his head, his eyes wide. I frowned, puzzled. What was Justin about to say?

"Oh, well then, off to class we go." Justin linked arms with me, and we skipped off to class. I was looking forward to the play, but not seeing Sven. I'll have to explain that Justin's my brother.


"Okay guys, get on the bus. I will leave you behind if you're too slow." Sven shouted, and we all filed onto the bus. I was sitting almost at the front, with Sven two seats in front of me. I was sitting with my brother, and he had his arm around me, talking in my ear.

"Hey, that teacher looks really familiar. I don't know why though. What's his name?" He whispered in my ear. At the same time, Sven looked back right into my eyes. He glanced back and forth between me and Justin, then stopped on Justin. His eyes widened, and he turned around.

"His name is...Sven Eriksson, I think," I told him, trying to seem like it was hard for me to remember his name. Justin kept on glancing at the back of Sven's head the whole bus ride. I sighed, leaning back and closing my eyes.


I was being shaken. I groaned and opened my eyes, to see my brother's face inches from mine. I squealed, and tried to move back, but I hit the seat. My brother laughed, and held out his hand

"We're here. Come on." I grabbed his hand, and he pulled me up.

We walked into the theatre, and I saw maybe about ten girls form our class surrounding Sven, trying to flirt with him. I giggled, and opened my phone.

"What are you doing?" My brother asked me. I held up a hand.

"Sending a text. Now shush." I said, and opened my phone. I texted Sven.

"Hey, pretend ur girlfriend sent u a text and excuse urself. Head towards the bathrooms. We need 2 talk. :) Aly" I sent it to him. I put my phone away, and a couple of seconds later, Sven's phone beeped. He excused himself from the swarm of girls around him, and read it. He looked up and saw me. I smiled, and he faintly returned it before heading toward the bathroom. I turned to look at my brother, who was looking at all the girls giggling at him. I tugged on his sleeve.

"Hey, can you get me some popcorn, and an iced tea? I need to go to the bathroom quickly." He nodded, not looking away from the girls. I slapped him round the head, and walked away.

I was walking down the hall towards the bathrooms, when I was grabbed and pulled into a dark room. I breathed in, and grinned. Smelled like Sven. I love his cologne.

I barely had time to react before he crashed his lips against mine in a ferocious kiss. I jumped up and wrapped my leg around him, my hands going to the back of his neck and gently tugging on his hair. He groaned in the back of his throat, and kissed me deeper.

I parted from his for breath, and he trailed his mouth down my neck, touching his tongue to me. I shivered, and moaned. He licked my neck, then sucked on it. I tilted my neck the other way to give him more access.

His head came up and looked at my neck. He nodded satisfied, and put me down, planting a kiss on my neck. I looked into his eyes.

"What was that for?" I asked, a little breathlessly. He shrugged.

"Can't a guy mark his girlfriend?" He said smugly. I smiled, and pecked him on the cheek.

"How cute." I giggled. He stiffened, then growled.

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