Ch 16 Friends fix everything FINAL CHAPTER

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]Dovahkiin's POV[
It's been several months since the "Incident," 5 to be exact. I've been in Juvie ever since. I may or may not have gotten beat up several times since I refuse to talk. I just let them since I have no need of getting in any more trouble. Besides I deserve it.

I sit alone in my cell staring at the floor. They had to move me away from everyone else because of the beatings. I barely eat any of the food they give me cause, one it's crappy and two, what's the point?

I hear footsteps approach my cell. I don't bother looking up. I hear a sigh.

"Ok Kid come on." I hear the person say. I look at the guard confused.

"You're gonna have a talk with the warden."

"Why?" I croak out. Like I've said, I've essentially been quiet for five months. I'm surprised I can speak at all.

"Because, you really don't belong here. Even if you really did kill all those people, it obviously wasn't because you wanted to or meant to." He says as he begins to open up my cell.

"What?!? No! No No No! This is my punishment! I-I killed people! I-"

"See that, that right there. You're a good kid who got mix up in some crazy stuff." The guard says coming up to me and leading me out.

"My life is crazy stuff. I don't get caught up in it, people get caught up in my problems and I end up hurting them." I say. It's true though.

"*Sigh* Dovahkiin was it? You said this was your punishment? Well with the others beating you up on top of you beating yourself up, I'd say you've served your punishment and anymore punishments that come in the next week or so. If not more." He says as he opens the door to the wardens Office for me. I nod and step inside.


|•|Princess Kenny's POV|•|
In the span of time Dovahkiin has been gone, I have died 27 times. Yaaaaaay! At least my shoulder healed. I also think Kyle is sort of starting to remember my deaths though.

God I miss my Dova. But unfortunately I've gotta wait another 7 months or so. And then he might move and I'll lose the love of my life and and-

"Kenny are you ok?" Butters asks me. Fuck I'm crying. I wipe my tears away and sniffle. I've also started showing my face. I still have my hood up but not tightened around my face.

"Ya... Ya I'm fine, just thinking about what's going to happen to Dovahkiin and I." I say still battling tears.

Butters gives me a small smile and pats me on the back. "It's alright Kenny, I'm sure everything wil-"

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS! DOVAHKIIN IS GETTING OUT OF JUVIE EARLY!" Cartman yells running up to us. With any other situation I'd laugh at the fact that he can actually run but MY DOVY IS GETTING OUT OF JUVIE!

"CARTMAN SO HELP ME IF THIS IS A PRANK I WILL MURDER YOU! WHENS HE GETTING OUT?" I yell at him. Please don't be a joke, please don't be a joke, please please PLEASE don't let this be a joke!


And then I screamed really really loud and I think I cracked a window. I may have also caused a few bloody ears and made some people go deaf.((It's midnight and so I nearly made that Blind. Yeh))

South Park The Stick of Truth: The Princess and The Dragon bornحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن