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Finally we are back.Nothing has changed.It is already two days we have returned from Paris and it is weekend too.On Sunday when I am preparing breakfast Rahul came down.

"Anjali I need to talk to you" Rahul said sitting on sofa.

"Yes Rahul"

"From tomorrow onwards you are not coming to office" he stated.


"I don't want you to be in my office. Also,I already informed dad about this" he commanded.

"I am sorry Rahul.Because of you lost...." I am interrupted by him.

"Stop it Anjali.I already mentioned that it is not about you"

I nodded to him because I know he thinks I am nothing to him.I have so many questions to ask him about that incident.

"Rahul can I ask you some questions?" I pleaded him.


"Rahul how do you know what Maxwell had tried to do?please tell me I am too curious. Please.." I pleased

"I thought that you would ask me about your job.But any way the answer for your question is when you are taking the cab I saw you.I called your name. But I think you haven't listened me" he said.

He saw me.He called me!!!But I haven't listened!!Does he cares for me??

"You just saw me.please tell me properly" I again requested him.How does he know about Maxwell?Why is he not answering properly.I felt he is hiding something.

"Will you stop questioning??" He raised his voice.I think it's time for me to stop this.

"Rahul I have only one last question. Why did you send me a note?" I really want to know about the note.
"What note?" Rahul asked.

"That ..come to room no -143 :-Rahul is written on it.You send that with a waiter" I said looking down.

"What?How could you think?" He suddenly got up from seat.His eyes are completely anger now.

"As your name is written.. I thought ..." I said still looking down as I can't face his anger.

"Stop Anjali.I am not that kind of person.You are nothing to me.But I never do that to you.I respect woman.You always says I am so cheap.But the truth is you are so cheap.Your thinking is so cheap.Your attitude is so cheap" he shouted and left to his room.

Tears started flowing from my eyes. I am not hurt by his words.I am hurt because I hurted him.I did an allegation on him. I know he will never forgive me.He did so much to me but still Why I thought like that?Is my thinking is so cheap?I should say sorry to him.So I quickly got up and knocked his room.

"Rahul ..." I knocked the door.

"Rahul please open the door" I sobbed.

"Now what?" He screamed opening the door.

"I am so sorry Rahul.Please forgive me" I sobbed.

"Don't show your face to me" He shouted.

"Rahul I have every right to know as I am your wife.So I just asked you.." I said.

"No you are not my wife.I told you many times.Never ever try to say that again.I already lost many things because of you" he shouted and shut the door on my face.

I went to my room and cried.Usually when he said something to me I used to protest it. But now I haven't done that.If we like a person it is impossible for us to tell something against him.What he said is true.Because of me he lost many things.He lost his love Ayesha.He lost his deal.
Weeks passed but Rahul hasn't talked to me.I merely saw him.He used to go office before I woke up and I don't know when he returns. Amma ought to serve him food.I don't know how and when my life will get set.

One evening when I am chopping vegetables suddenly my phone beeped It is from Swapna.I kept on speaker and resumed my work.

"Hi Swapna" I said.

"Hi anju.How are you?" She asked.

"So formal...what's going on?" I replied.If she asks how are you to me definitely there will be some news.


"Split it out Swapna" I stated.

"Anju..How are you my girl?" someone asked.

"Arjun Bhai!! I am fine.What is going on lovely couple?" I asked.

"Anju...We are getting married" Arjun said.

"Oo.." I nodded.

"What?How?" I realised what Arjun bhai said within seconds. I am happy and shocked at a time.

"Yes Anju we are getting married. Both the families have accepted" Arjun Bhai said happily.

"Bhai I am so happy.How does this happened?" I am curious and on cloud nine.

"Anju I will inform everything when you come home this weekend"

"Why I will come this weekend Bhai?" I was confused.

"You will come because wedding will be in this weekend"

"Bhai too quickly.Tell me clearly"

"Offo Anju these many questions?Now go and start your packing. Come to Delhi tomorrow. This is an order from your bhabi" said Swapna.

"Ok Swapna bhabi.Be prepared to give me my choclates"I said.It is one of our friendship rules and conditions to give choclates to one another if we met after so long time.

" OK Anju.Tell to Rahul also.Bye."she blushed and cut off the phone.

I started dancing as I am so happy.Finally Swapna and Bhai are getting married.
I felt someone is observing me.I turned around and saw Rahul staring at me with his jaw wide open. Actually I am not good at dancing. It will obviously be a shock for him to see me like this.My friends used to tease me on my dancing skills.

I stopped dancing.The carpet which I am standing on floor is slippery. I lost balance.I am going to fall down.I closed my eyes and felt huge arms where on my waist and I haven't fallen down.I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Rahul is holding me.

Our eyes interlocked.I just want my life to be secure in his arms.I know that can't happen but it is just a hope.

"Please don't try to dance again.It is horrible" he smirked releasing me.

I blushed.He looks so cute.I want to pinch his cheeks.

"You are so cute" I said pinching his cheeks and ran to my room without seeing his reaction. How could I do that?I think I got some brain disease.What will happen if he got angry by my actions?The best thing that I have done is to ran away from him.I forgot everything when he talked to me.I am really happy today because of two things.One is Bhai marriage and second is Rahul talked to me after so many days.

I am sorry for short update....

What is Rahul trying to hide from Anjali??...

Why Rahul got that much angry about note?...

How is our cute Anjali???....

Plz vote and comment...Next time I will update a longer one... I promise ....

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