Want to go adventuring?

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I woke up earlier than usual and Bill was away making more deals, so I decided to go through to the cinema room and watch TV.

Recently I've been watching Supernatural and I absolutely love it! Being a hunter of the supernatural myself, and living with a supernatural being how couldn't I love this show.

As I was watching, Tad's words from last night were still running through my head. I'm a vampiric creature, ha, Tad's just as deranged as Bill. Should probably ask him about it when he comes back though.

After about 4 episodes, I went to go find Bill. I walk downstairs to find him in the corner mumbling to him self frantically.

"Bill? Is everything okay? You look scared?"

I began to approach him holding my hand out for him to take, he looked at me with fear in his eyes. After I helped him up he took me to sit on the sofa.

"Dipper, have you got any idea what you are now capable of?"

"No, but when I was in the woods Tad found me, he said some crazy stuff. Apparently I'm some kind of ultimate monster, haha, can you believe that"

Bill looked down at his lap. He was shivering, even though he doesn't get cold, so something is definitely scaring him!

"It's true, wE shoULDN't HaVe MaDE the dEal, I ShOUld haVe LEFt YOU ALOne, I SHoulD be aloNe, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"

"Bill, you're scaring me..."

He started to laugh maniacally, and now I was terrified. He looked at me and leaned towards my face screaming.


I push him back, but he went flying across the room and slammed his head against the wall. Did I cause that? He got up and ran at me, in a moment of panic, I punched him just above his chest, right on the collar bone. It went crunch as my fist made contact and he fell to the floor with a loud thud.

He screamed in pain, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him but he kept yelling, "PAIN IS HILARIOUS!!!"

I looked at him rolling about the floor, a puddle of blood had formed on the floor where he was lying and I noticed that on the wall was a blood splatter.

I started to cry. I caused him pain. He appears to enjoy it but he's not in his right state of mind. I call out for Tad, hoping that he could help. As he appeared he looked at Bill and then at me.

"What have you done?"

"I didn't mean it, any of it. He kept approaching and yelling at me."

"I would like to say that I am impressed, but quite frankly this is not okay."

"I didn-" He cut me off before I could finish.

"Leave" He stated with a sigh as he walked over to his brother.

I ran up the stairs, grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes. I couldn't hold back the water works anymore and tears started to fall from my eyes furiously. I grabbed my hat and my journal and walked through to the portal room.

I walked straight down the corridor to the door we went through yesterday. As I appeared back in Gravity Falls, I held my head down low and walked to the shack. I knocked on the door to find a very happy Mabel greet me.

"Dipper! How have you been? Sorry we couldn't be here yesterday to see you discover your powers. Bill seemed very excited!"

At the mention of his name, I broke down. I fell to the floor, I yelped in pain as my knees fell to the wooden floor.

"Aww, Dipper, is everything okay? Come inside and tell me what happened."

She helped me up from the ground and took me inside leading me straight to our old room. Grunkle Stan was asleep on his chair, while Great Uncle Ford was in his lab in the basement.

As we got in the room, I noticed that Mabel kept it the same for me on my side, mess and all.

"What did the flying Dorito do this time?"

"Mabel, it's not him, it's me... I hurt him really bad and there was nothing I could do to help him. Tad and Bill are right, I am just some dangerous creature, everyone has the right to be scared... I'm a monster!"

"No. No you're not. You are Dipper Pines. Mystery twin! You're no monster, you're my sister and I know you better than anyone and I know that you're no beast!"

"Thanks Mabel, now how about we try and take my mind of this and we play a game."

We looked at each other and knew instantly what we wanted to play...

"Call of Duty!" We both yelled laughing.

Mabel grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs. "Grunkle Stan we're going to play COD!"

Grunkle Stan woke up and started grunting, "Is this some kind of code or are you just being weird... I will never understand teenagers" we all laughed as he got up and went to go open the Mystery Shack.

"Okay Dip-dot, you set up COD Black Ops 3, on zombies. I'll go get snacks and we have to get Wendy and Soos in on this before they have to work."

"Okay" I yelled to her as she walked out the room. I'm glad I have Mabel as my twin sister. She knows how to make everyone feel better. Maybe I should stay at the shack for a couple of days, or weeks.

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