House Warming Wander

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I wake up to find myself lying in a king sized bed alone. I wake up remembering the events of the night before... My friends... The deal... The start of my immortal life!

I sit up in my bed after adjusting to the light that shown through the blinds, revealing the golden room. The walls were gold with a brick pattern like a pyramid designed for a god. The bed itself was very comfy, the quilts were light and cool, making me feel sleepy. When I brought my head down, on the various kinds of pillows, it sunk into them like quicksand. There were clear yellow curtains surrounding the bed that were drawn back to reveal everything else in the room. The black dressing table, set up by Bill especially for me. The Bookshelf which was too the colour black, filled with various types of books all a similar genre along with the journals.

Next to me was a black bed side table which held my favourite blue and white hat with a pine tree in the centre, along with a note. I picked it up and began to read:
I have been summoned to make a deal and so will be away for some time. Until I get back, I think that it's best for you to get settled and explore the rest of your new home.
I have a present for you when I return and I will see you soon!
Love Bill"

I put back the note, threw on my hat and started to wander around. I walked out of the room and started to walk down the long corridor.

I opened the first door to reveal a room that appeared to be a home cinema, I walked in and saw the whole back wall to be shelves filled with DVDs and games and honestly I found it to be so beautiful being the geek I naturally am.
The room had a gigantic screen on the front wall and had a huge couch that spread from one side of the room to the other. I noticed also that to the side was what was like a minibar and I've never seen anything like it. The walls themselves were painted dark blue with white borders going down the edge of the walls.

I left the room and closed the door. Well now I was incredibly curious and ran down the corridor to the next door but to my disappointment it was locked. I'll have to ask Bill to open it for me later.

I continue down the corridor to reveal the Bathroom. Brilliant white tiles placed along the walls beside the bath, which to me was the size of a small swimming pool that was shallow. The remainder of the walls were painted a light green which made me feel calm. There was a sink that was white to match the tiles but had golden waterfall like taps. The floor had a tile pattern that was white and gold, similar to the sinks colour scheme.

I back out of the bathroom and start heading down stairs. It didn't seem like there was much upstairs but to be honest the rooms were huge.

The stairs led straight into the living room, which was magnificent in itself. The floor was made of a white and black polished marble that glistened in the light. The couch was black and rest in the centre of the room as it took up a lot of space, in front of a huge fire place that was fit for a King.
There weren't any walls just glass that looked out onto the scene of a forest. Seeing as this was the mindscape and I like to spend most of my time in the forest, the scene fit well with what I wanted. There was a glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling that had various colours of crystals. Purple, blue, green, yellow and so on.

I then head through to the dining area of the house which was wonderful. A long spruce wood table that stretched from one side to the other was surrounded by matching chairs. It had candle stands placed out evenly along it with a vase of lilies claiming itself as the centre piece.

Finally, I went through to the Kitchen. It was yellow with black countertops and cupboards and a dash of white to break the colours up. I sat at the island counter at the centre which had to stools placed to one side so that I could sit.


I jump and nearly fall out my seat as Bill had snuck up behind me, holding something behind his back.

He put his arms around me revealing the blue parcel he held in his gloved hands. I took it from him and open it up carefully. As I untied the ribbon and lifted the lid off the box I turned to Bill and hugged him, thanking him.

In the box lay a blue book. It had silver corners with a silver pinetree, similar to the symbol on my hat in the centre with a number one on the symbol. It was my very own journal where I could write about my own encounters with the supernatural.

My stomach began to rumble, moaning for food. I look away from Bill feeling embarrassed as I could feel heat rise to the surface of my cheeks. Bill laughed and clicked his fingers. He was now wearing white trousers with a yellow jumper that had an eye on the front similar to his own.

I nodded my head frantically as he began to make breakfast. Everything was silent for a moment except from the sound of plates and cutlery knocking into each other.

"You know if you're going to live with me hear for the rest of your unnatural life, the least you could do is speak to me a bit more..."

I laughed gently and stood up out of my seat dragging myself over to Bill. He stopped the process of making pancakes and turned around to me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and said to him, "I'm speechless, this house, looking out for me and my family, you... It's all to much, but thank you for caring"

He started grinning and cupped my face in his hands, "... And I will never stop caring for the rest of our eternal lives"

He kissed me on the lips, and turned his back to me, to grab all of the fresh pancakes looking at me and said, "Dibs, the pancakes are mine!" And I started to chase him around the house as he laughed like a maniac and I giggled uncontrollably. Like children playing a game of tig.

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