I Trust You

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Trust No One. I love you... Trust No One. I love you...

Thanks for the echoes Bill, greatly appreciate it. I rolled my eyes as I thought internally continuously.

"What's wrong with your face?"

"Nice to see you too Pacifica, always a pleasure."

Everyone present began to laugh. We all got together , my friends and family. I've been here for a couple hours now and Bill had everyone waiting for me whilst he dealt with Tad. They've lost trust for him after what happened. Sometimes I find myself restraining my Great Uncles so that they don't murder him. Bill joined me only a few minutes after I got settled back into the Shack yet once again. Sat in the living room were Wendy, Soos, Grunkle Stan, Great Uncle Ford, Mabel, Pacifica and I. Everyone was happy. I, miraculously, was happy again.

I heard a glass smash in the Kitchen. What is that demon up to now? My Uncles' noticed my physical state and when they asked how I ended up the way I did, I was not prepared to lie so I sent Bill to the Kitchen to get everyone drinks. I managed to calm them down even though Stan was ready to burst a blood vessel with fury.

I went through to find a panicking Bill. He was trying to sweep up the glass but wasn't doing so well, he didn't want to use his powers as he knew that it would aggravate my family a bit. He's quite thoughtful sometimes even though he can be very care-free and clumsy.

"Here, let me help you..." I helped him stand up and pulled him away from the scene of sparkling mini glass diamonds. I then held my hand out and focused hard. The glass shards began to shake violently and came back together as the process of the glass cup being damaged was reversed simultaneously. Bill looked at me confused.

"What? You said you wouldn't use your powers, I didn't say anything about mine" He smiled a little and began to take the drinks through on a tray. We walked into the room to find Mabel and Pacifica being adorable and they just kept on laughing and hugging, recently they told everyone that they were now both officially dating. About time if you ask me.

Wendy and Soos had to leave to help Grunkle Stan sort out the Mystery Shack as there was some event happening tomorrow where Stan was tripling the prices... He's such... A "great" entrepreneur, a business man with magicians tricks, he can make your money magically disappear with his business of tourism.

Great Uncle Ford needed to discuss what they called the "Tad situation" with Bill, at least they weren't at each others throats but they left too. It was just me with the two girls. I left them to choose a movie as I grabbed snacks, granted that I didn't plan on eating them though I was starving I just didn't want it. As I walked back through I found them making out to an extent that I can only describe as devouring each other. I didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable but the movie was about to start and they made me feel slightly uncomfortable so why the heck not. I threw the snacks at them both and yelled, "PDA overload! Budge up, no more of your public displays of affection thank you" We giggled as I shoved them out the way which resulted in them pouring juice over my head but I did not care.

I sat there soaked watching my movie as the girls moved onto the floor. I tried to watch the movie but at the corner of my eye I could see them making out yet again and kissing every so often when they stopped for a breather? I guess? I don't know, but as cute as they are together, and yes I ship my twin sister with the girl who used to hate us "commoners". To be fair though, it's not Pacifica's fault, her parents told her that's how it was, she's a really nice girl, and her and Mabel are lucky to have each other. Anyways as I grab back my train of though, as cute as they are together, they can become a bit too much so I left them with the movie special of Ducktective  and went in the shower. I came out and went to my room as I got ready for bed. What used to be mine and Mabel's bedroom in the attic was now for Bill and I. Mabel had practically moved in with Pacifica so it wasn't as if the Shack was overcrowded all the time.

I sat ready for bed and reading my journal when Bill walked in. He looked worried. He sat next to me and took my hands into his without a word. We stayed like that for a while then he finally began to talk.

"Dipper, when I said Trust No One, I should have included myself in it."

"Bill don't be ridiculous. Also have you brought food, I'm so hungry"

He gave me a weak smile and reached under the bed to pull out a cooler bag and he began to unzip it slowly. I began to drool as the scent hit me sending my salivary glands into hyperdrive,what ever it was smelt foreign to me but smelt delicious none the less. He picked it up slowly and I gasped in horror... It was a-

"Heart of a deer, fresh so the blood supply remaining within it will help you last longer without needing to feed again..."

"What?" I whispered shakily under my breathe.

"When you were turned into a demon, due to the type of demon you became, this is what you now need as your food source, while you can still eat the food you did before, only blood can give you energy."

"So is this... This, what Tad meant when he said I was a vampiric creature?"

"Yes." He held the heart out further for me to take and I looked into his sad, shimmering eyes.

"But Bill, I can't d-"

"Please Pinetree" Bill gave me puppy eyes, not literally, don't worry, he's not that sick, as he begged me to take it.

"Fine." I said in a tone of regret but he was just too cute at times. "I'll do it"

"Thanks, at least this way I know that you've eaten"

I returned his weak smile from earlier as I looked down at the heart. I have no clue about how I'm going to eat this, then I guess that's when instinct took over and I actually ate the heart. I am disgusted with myself but I feel energised again.


"Yep" I nodded my head rapidly but gently. I began to cry as realisation struck yet once again of the monster I have become. Bill moved closer to me and wrapped his blood covered arms around me from when he held the heart. My hands and face were covered and I felt horrific. He looked down at me as I gazed into his eyes. I began messing with his fluffy hair accidentally dying the blonde sections of his hair red with the blood temporarily. We sat like that for a while when I began to speak.

"Bill... You say repeatedly to me 'Trust No One' does that make it bad that..." I began to doze off to sleep in his arms as I finished my sentence slowly in a dreamy state...

"I... Trust... You..."

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