Power of Dreams

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We all gathered outside, waiting for Bill telling us the plan. I personally was nervous, because Bill wanted everyone to see me discover my power and that meant standing in front of people, and it doesn't help the fact that as well as being a bit socially awkward, I have stage fright. Oh glob, where will the day take us...

Bill walked around talking to my friends, my family weren't able to arrive because they were away on holiday and the fact that I had to tell them that I'm now a demon just made their hatred towards Bill strengthen ever so slightly. He was whispering at the other side of the front garden, but I could hear everything he was saying...

"I asked everyone to be here today to help Dipper discover what powers she has and we have to put her into different scenarios, some are worse than others..."

What is he planning is all that I could think but he turned around and looked directly at me from across the crowd. I didn't manage to turn away quick enough before he said, "So you heard us whispering from over there, your senses have been sharpened"

I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous that last part sounded. Bill came running over to me in a flash and looked at me with concern. I stopped smiling and then he looked annoyed that I'm not taking this as seriously as he is.

"Your teeth look sharper too..." I went over to Ashlea, she's been a best friend of mine for quite a few years now too.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Bill but my teeth have always been abnormally sharp, right Ashlea?"

Ashlea got a fright not noticing that I was now standing next to her and replied with a yes. She went back to talking with Julia and Aaron about school and stuff like that. I couldn't participate in the conversation because I stopped going to school over a month ago... Thanks Bill for skronking up my education

"I thought that it might link into your powers, maybe not, I'm just coming up with theories now" He started to laugh nervously.

After a while it appeared that the 'get together' turned into a party. As it turned to midnight, I got bored, and wandered out into the forest just next to the Mystery Shack.

I don't know where exactly I was going or where I wanted to go, my body just kept moving forward.

I got to a clearing in the forest which had a little waterfall and rich green grass, with a wall of trees surrounding it with a few patches of flowers dotted around the area.

It was beautiful.

I walked over to the water, and sat down. I started to feel relaxed until I could hear someone walking towards me with twigs snapping with each step they took.

I looked up to find Bill's brother Tad. I suddenly felt very angry just seeing his smug face. I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Hello Pinetr-"

I decided to cut him off, he was really just bugging me, "Shut up, don't you dare call me Pinetree! Only Bill calls me that!"

"Wow, touchy subject. I'm here to notify you of the dangerous magic you possess."

"What are you going on about Strange?"

"Bill may be an all knowing, all powerful Dream Demon but he doesn't have the power I have... I can tell anything and everything about a person from just one glance."


"I know the powers you have, as well as being a dream demon, you're now almost like what you humans call a vampire"

I burst out laughing in his face, due to my pale skin and sharp teeth that I grew up with, that was a nickname that the kids in my class called me at Primary.

"... As I was saying, you are a highly skilled hunter, you have stronger senses than the rest of us, and the fact that you are also a dream demon just makes you every demons enemy, you are stronger than you know Pines."

I started to feel uneasy, maybe that's why Bill was getting nervous earlier on, maybe he knows something I don't... Again...

"Nice talking to you Tad but I'm going to head back to the Shack, I hope to never see you again" I waved smiling at him as I walked away.

I could hear him reply saying, "and I to you as well Dipper"

When I got back to the shack I decided to tell Bill that I had enough. He activated a portal back to the Mindscape and we both went home.

I'll confront him in the morning but now, sleep. And with that thought I peacefully went to sleep.

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