Chapter 5 ஐ♀ஐ

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I was about to turn off the tv when I heard a light knock from the door, I slowly approached it and put my ear on the wood, I didn't hear anyone.

"Who is it?" I was alone at home, and I got a little scared.

"Open that damn door" it was a female voice, I didn't recognize it. Who could it be? What did she want.

I opened up the door hesitant, and Dakota was standing in front of me with an evil expression on her face.

"Uhm, what do you want?" was the only thing that plopped in my mind.

She roughly slammed the door and entered in my house, she looked around disgusted wrinkling her nose. She mumbled something about how  the house smelt like a stable. Bitch. She didn't know my life, she had no right to judge who I am or what my home looked like. All she had to worry about was the color of her socks, she didn't know real problems.

"Listen miss I already told you to leave Liam alone, and you sleep with him? I mean don't you understand english??? I tell you one more time. LEAVE HIM ALONE."

I stood there with my mouth open, how stupid can that thing be??

"Look I'm not afraid of you, and I'm not afraid of that bitch of a friend that you have, just leave ME alone, you think I'm scared?!"

She glanced at me with that evil expression again.

"I knew that you'd say that. I'm just warning you, my jock friends won't mind doing me a favour and you know that, just because you're friends with someone popular doesn't mean you are too" I never wanted to be popular, I had all the skills for being a cheerleader and one of the most popular person in the school but I didn't want to turn into something like her.

But I must admit, I was afraid of the jocks, they were all so wild and rude, they hit you whether you're a boy or a girl.

I jumped out of my thoughts and Dakota wasn't there anymore. I slowly closed the door and headed towards my bed. I put on the t-shirt with Liam's perfume and fell asleep.


The alarm clock rang and I wished it wasn't true. I had to go to school again.

I dragged myself out of bed and prepared scrambled eggs and bacon. I got my black skinny jeans my Spongebob t-shirt. I looked like crap and I felt so too. I closed the apartment door and headed to my car, I had to pick Ariel up.

"Hello miss sunshine" she said when she saw my face. I smiled lightly. How can she always be so happy? Is it a perfume? If it is, please I want to buy it.

The journey to school was silent. The morning was warm and sunny.

"hey I can't give you a ride back, I have to go to the hospital afterwards" I said.

"Sure, say hi to your mom from me. Sorry gotta go my English class is starting now and I'm late, thanks for the ride love ya." she literally jumped out of the car while I was parking, good thing she didn't hurt herself. I took my time to get to my class I sooo wasn't into school right now.

"Hey Hope" I heard someone call from behind, I glanced at him for a second and the walked to my class.

"Just stop for a minute" Damn, he's the last person I wanna see right now! But he still looks hot as hell, even though he broke up with me, and I hate him for that.

"What is it Eric?" I checked him out of the corner of the eye. Damn he looked sexy. He was wearing his favorite black jeans and a dark green polo shirt, his blond hair shooting in all directions and his grey eyes were looking into mine. I hate him. Mmh I wasn't so sure about that.

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